What are mixed rp servers?

as the owner of a mixed rp server, i will awnser youre questions.

what is mixed rp? : Mixed rp is a full mix of Roleplay and Freeroam aspects of Fivem

How dose it work? : well, its rather simple. in a mixed rp server you will have an aop/rp zone, and as long as you are in the area selected by a staff member/owner of the server then you will have to rp and abide by the rules of rp.

if you are out of that rp zone then you will be able to do freeroam. so this means stuff like drive like threre is no tomorrow as well as many other things like drift or even blow up gas stations if thats what you fancy…

however Mixed rp servers are normaly very strict on there rules and sometimes very under playerd/staffed in both departments and the staff team.

What are some good Mixed rp server? : To what i ama aware there is only a small select handfull of mixed rp servers as they are normally split between 2 servers by people that can afford them and are ran by much bigger servers. or they prefer to be able to have 2 diffirent community be able to be combined to gether.

with overall what servers there are. the only servers i am aware of is my own

i will be sure to list more as i find them.

i hope this helped :slight_smile:

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