West Coast's Finest | Non-ELS Fleets | Developers working daily | Helpful Staff

Hi, my name is Ray Vannest and I’m a sergeant for the BCSO. I’m glad to say that I really like this server. It is full or great people and they have a lot of positions open. This community knows what they are doing.

im a state trooper it fun everybody jokes but when it help we there we do what the best for the community we help each other even doe they dont hear u in radio lol doesnt meant they will help u its very very fun

We are now Semi-ESX meaning we have the Money system and the food system. Join us for some good fun!

Bump! Here are two Screenshots taken in the last patrol’s we’ve had so far. Join the community and take in the amazing experience!


This sever is grate there always looking for people to join the departments and there are a lot spots open in departments you just have to work for them im am the Chief of police and im glad to say that this sever is the funnest and if you want to join you can join the link here https://discord.gg/U9BjQW

Im The Founder Of WCF and im here to announce that we have a new discord and i would like to provide the link “https://discord.gg/UA7jAMX


Thanks for the fun times and the amazing times we had on WC’F! The staff of WC’F wants to thank those that have brought the fun times to WC’F.

why did it shut down