Weapons drop points

Hy guys,

Is there any script that can add some weapon spawning points? Maybe with the blips? I want to use it with the Rotten Zombie mod.

Creating a pick-up with a blip isn’t that hard.

You could either get into Lua or C# as a start. There are several usefull links scattered around on the forums

We have a Wiki you could take a look at also take a look at NativeDB for usefull natives.

Be sure to take a look at our Releases section on the forums aswell, since there are some great
examples on it.

If you have any more questions be sure to post back!


Learning to code would be much more interesting for me, I have some ideas that I would really like to apply into some scripts. I have zero experience with coding and that’s why I asked if there is scrip already made. I’m kinda clueless on where to start but thank you for your reply, was very helpful.