[WANTED] Looking for a avid developer

Hey guys so im running my own server called “TwitchParadise”

And we are getting asked alot for new features etc.

I myself cant code. I can adjust and make things work, but making a script i cant do.

We are getting quite popular so your time wouldnt be wasted :slight_smile:

If you want to join me in making a great server let me know :smiley:

My aim with TwitchParadise it to be one of the biggest Community driven servers out there, With a fun and loving community.

So far we have achieved this and after only 5 days of running we have had 2000 unique connections and sit heavy on 24 users 24/7 (apart from peak time around 5am & 11am GMT)

The community is growing at an alarming rate and at the moment there is only me! (And my little helper who helps me figure out issues and get them fixed asap)

TwitchParadise was inspired by SoE and its users, I wanted to create a twitch & youtube friendly server but it has grown past this. I am now in need of serious help and custom scripts such as (NPC cars being locked and needing a lockpick to open, A way to see and quickly ban the trolls as i dont want to have to put ID’s above names etc)

We have a discord and forum, here are the links:


I myself if a problem occurs i will not sleep and i will stay awake until the issue is resolved, Lately im only getting 4 hours sleep a night thats if i sleep at all.

Im not very good at wording things as you can maybe see but you get the idea here :slight_smile: You can ask me questions if you are unsure about anything.

Here is a image of TwitchParadise relaxing at the top of the server list <3


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You might want to provide some more information if you want to find someone willing to lend their time for free.

What’s the vision? What would you eventually want the server to be like, unique? If so how, what would make it unique? Would it be a copy of some other popular server? About how big is the community? Website? Discord? What kind of scripts need to be made? And such stuff.

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I hope that is much better :slight_smile: I tried my best but im not so great at wording things :smiley:

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Ya that is much better and far more appealing. Hope you manage to find someone that shares a similar goal, sadly I’m working on scripts for a Race and/or Destruction Derby server. :slight_smile:

Oooo interesting! Get me signed up when its open, Would love to take my stress out smashing into others! xD

We currently have a ban system that is failing, So first thing i would need is a working ban feature D: