Wanted levels and player cops

so i been working on something but I am at a road block

– Disable wanted level – from es_extended and tweaked

		while true do

			local playerId = PlayerId()
			if GetPlayerWantedLevel(playerId) ~= 0 then
				SetPlayerWantedLevel(playerId, 0, false)
				SetPlayerWantedLevelNow(playerId, false)

what this does is keeps the wanted system working but limits the amount of max stars
what I’m wanting to add is have it check to see if a player cop is online. when cops are online it sets all the wanted levels to zero. if there are no cops online the max wanted level is 2

I am trying to incorporate

	if PlayerData.job.name == 'police'

if there is a better way let me know. there are gaps of time where there are no cops online so it would be nice to let the npc cops loose during those down times. Thanks again in advance I been messing around with AI for a while now but I’m stuck on this

just a thought, i still do not think this is right

if Config.DisableWantedLevel then
		while true do
function IsJobPolice()
    if PlayerData ~= nil then
        local isJobPolice = false
        if PlayerData.job.name ~= nil and PlayerData.job.name == 'police' then
            isJobPolice = true
        return isJobPolice
			local playerId = PlayerId()
			if GetPlayerWantedLevel(playerId) ~= 0 then
				SetPlayerWantedLevel(playerId, 0, false)
				SetPlayerWantedLevelNow(playerId, false)

Since you would implement this in your playerLoaded event, you could do this, which should work:

    if Config.DisableWantedLevel then
            while true do
                local playerId = PlayerId()
                if playerData.job.name == 'police' then
                    if GetPlayerWantedLevel(playerId) ~= 0 then
                        SetPlayerWantedLevel(playerId, 0, false)
                        SetPlayerWantedLevelNow(playerId, false)

Hey Dividerz!! Going to try that right now!!! thanks for all your help!!

Thanks for the attempt. Its not throwing any errors or anything , started the server with the new code, logged in to a cop character and still got the wanted levels., switched to a different job and still had wanted levels, switched back to police and still got wanted levels ( cleared wanted levels between changing jobs with /revive). we might be on the right track though. Thanks again for all your help :slight_smile:

You could add print(playerData.job.name) under if playerData.job.name == 'police' then and see if it prints your job in your F8 console.

Besides that, are you running on ESX1.2 or 1.1 (weight or limit)?

you know me all to well :slight_smile: i’m that Limit guy . I don’t think i mentioned it but this section of code im working on is part of es_extended. I don’t think that makes a difference just more pieces to the puzzle

Well, adding prints tells me if it is actually running the code and getting the player job correctly :slight_smile:
Sending me your main.lua file or the file where you’re adding this also makes it easier.

config.lua (564 Bytes)
main.lua (13.7 KB)

don’t know if you need the whole es_extended or not. this is my backup version of the files.es_extended.zip (145.8 KB)

that zip is the whole thing. its the version before adding your stuff to it- rather the zip and the two files are from my back up before your addition

Replace your main.lua file with the one I attached and try again :slight_smile:

main.lua (13.7 KB)

don’t see any difference or change. :frowning: Thank you again for the attempt to crack the case for me. It should be checking if police are online to enable or disable wanted levels but something is not cooking right.

i know with something like the common calm-ai script it can be started and stopped and you can see the changes in the AI attitudes instantly. But I guess there is way more to it because of the wanted levels. And i think that cop ai is tied directly into the wanted system some how. when the wanted levels are disabled the cops do not react to anything even if you try to use a separate script to change there relationship with players. An example that i ran into. you can make the cops aggresssive with the wanted levels disabled but they are only aggressive if you are pointing a gun at them. the moment you stop aiming at them they lose all interest in players. Sorry im rambling, just sharing the tiny nuggets of info i’m stumbling into

I’ll look into this when I’m back up if no one else already did it while I’m asleep :’)

that’s awesome! thank you so much! if something happens I’ll make sure you find out about it. Its going to be a good lesson for sure.

this is an error that pops up when its set to true
Config.DisableWantedLevel = true

bump bump,

esx_wantedpolice.zip (916 Bytes)

I took out the wanted stuff that was in es_extended and made it stand alone, I tried your main.lua and did not have any luck with it, the version that im linking here is the version we started with before the failed attempts.

here is some code from esx_holdup this part lets you rob a store if there are cops online

AddEventHandler('esx_holdup:robberyStarted', function(currentStore)
	local _source  = source
	local xPlayer  = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(_source)
	local xPlayers = ESX.GetPlayers()

	if Stores[currentStore] then
		local store = Stores[currentStore]

		if (os.time() - store.lastRobbed) < Config.TimerBeforeNewRob and store.lastRobbed ~= 0 then
			TriggerClientEvent('esx:showNotification', _source, _U('recently_robbed', Config.TimerBeforeNewRob - (os.time() - store.lastRobbed)))

		local cops = 0
		for i=1, #xPlayers, 1 do
			local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(xPlayers[i])
			if xPlayer.job.name == 'police' then
				cops = cops + 1

		if not rob then
			if cops >= Config.PoliceNumberRequired then
				rob = true

				for i=1, #xPlayers, 1 do
					local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(xPlayers[i])
					if xPlayer.job.name == 'police' then
						TriggerClientEvent('esx:showNotification', xPlayers[i], _U('rob_in_prog', store.nameOfStore))
						TriggerClientEvent('esx_holdup:setBlip', xPlayers[i], Stores[currentStore].position)

maybe its something we can use. i tried to plug in some stuff but did not have any luck

found this native https://runtime.fivem.net/doc/natives/?_0x32C62AA929C2DA6A

its set_police_ignore_player, maybe somehow setting it to ignore a job like police. In the past i have dabbled in jobs and relationship groups and never had any luck with it.

I could live with player police being ignored.CRAP still no good the npc cops will try to kill the non-cops even if this was a thing to work, I would delete this whole post but its good to keep a record of my thoughts

I’m trying to do something similar, so i grabbed the stand along version you linked, but with the config set to false, there’s no change and i’m wanted like normal, up to 5. Which I expected. However with the config set to true, I am just never wanted. So i’m not even getting 1 star let alone up to 2. What am I missing?
*EDIT: Nevermind!
I figured out that the version of es_extended I was running had a max set to 0. I actually just edited their line to the value I wanted and it works. So I didn’t even need this script at all to just make the level set to (in my case) 2.