vSync (v1.4.0) | Simple weather and time sync

What is the license?

The script works, it sync the time, but the commands don’t do nothing, it appears that the time was changed sucessfuly and also the weather, but it doesn’t change nothing in game :confused:

Does the command send you a success message? Or do you just see /(command) in chat? If the latter, your chat resource is a custom one that does not support real commands.

Yes, It responds, but nothing happens

@Vespura, in this thread, a user has managed to synchronize your script with the actual time and date. I have tested it and it works perfectly. In your opinion, is it possible to display the name of the day and month as in this other script?

Real time sync is already a pr, still haven’t had the time to update it on here.

Regarding date/time display, might add that as an option though it won’t be using an external resource for that.

I see. I thank you for the answer.

How do I add admins?

:eyes: :roll_eyes: please… use them

It wont even load into the game. Need help!

Look here: https://github.com/TomGrobbe/vSync/wiki/Installation#troubleshooting

For me the weather moves stuttery, like every second. How can I fix this?

  1. bad pc performance / constant lag spikes
  2. laggy internet or just a poor connection between you and the server
  3. if you have a custom graphics mod, remove it and it should be fine
  4. either 1, 2 or 3, or just bad luck :man_shrugging: no idea what it could be

Nothing of them. I’ll look into it

Edit: So I looked at vMenu and it does sync to. Is it pretty much the same thing but with extra stuff? There don’t seem to be this issue, idk but heres a quick gif of what my issue was https://gph.is/2u50wSg

Another question about dynamic weather. When I disable it will I get vanilla weather still and synced across clients? The dynamic weather function changes weather so abruptly that it always flickers, mostly prevalent when changing into fog.

set vMenuDisableTimeAndWeatherSync “true”

Setting this to “true” will disable all weather and time options in the menu, as well as the syncing of weather/time between players, this allows you to get another resource to do this instead of vMenu. Set it to “false” or don’t set it at all to keep weather/time sync/options enabled.

set vMenuDisableDynamicWeather “true”

Setting this to “true” will disable dynamic weather changes by default. It can still be enabled in-game if players have permission to toggle it. Set it to “false” or don’t set it at all to enable dynamic weather changes by default whenever you start the resource.|

Was time frozen there?
If so, then that’s why, it has to reset the time couple times a second, there’s no way to just “freeze” time ingame, so without making it laggy af (setting time every frame) there’s no way to improve this.

vMenu does have time and weather sync yes. It’s almost the same implementation.

That’s only useful if you have both vSync (or another weather/time mod) and vMenu at the same time.

That’s vMenu dynamic weather, not vSync dynamic weather changes config related.

No, dynamic weather changes weather over a timespan of 15 seconds (the max transition time gta allows). There can be a flicker once on every transition yes, that’s just gta v native behavior which I can’t fix.

Disabling dynamic weather will just not change the weather at all. Unless someone changes it with a command.

There’s no way of having “default” transitions for everyone and still have it synced.

If timefreezing is not enabled by default then no it wasn’t on. I’ll just use vMenu then since I’m using its functionality too. I have flicker in transitions that change fog or overhead light I think. Stuff that changes lightning too, just because it’s so abrupt. I’ll live with it for now :smiley:

still having this issue, vMenu is fine but I need the timer settings for the dynamic weather. Changes every 10min is just too much. Any ideas what It could be? Lag is a non issue (VPS, 25ms latency)

Hey @Vespura, is it possible to update the blackout script to only blackout the city lights and keep vehicle lights on?
