vRP server stucked on the loading screen

I am now starting to study the vrp framework to develop scripts and I decided to download an empty server and install the vrp resource on it.

I followed all the processes given by the vRP documentation. I inserted the vrp folder in resources, configured base.lua, also inserted the GHMattiMySQL, vrp_ghmattimysql and vrp_ghmattimysql-js folders.

I inserted all these folders in server.cfg to run, and in run.bat, GHMattiMySQL connects perfectly to my DB, vrp_ghmattimysql and vrp_ghmattimysql-js also run without any problems, no problem occurs with vRP too, and I go in peacefully in the server.

However, the only problem is that after loading all the server folders, I get stuck on a loading screen showing “setting up game” forever, as shown in the image below.

Could anyone tell me how I can solve this problem?