[vRP] Script collection (vrp_hud_inventory, vrp_cards, vrp_business ...)

Its working! I can manage the trunk using the hud, but would be nice to have an button to open it, is it hard to add?

One more thing that i notice was that when someone asked me to open the trunk for them the old menu appears for them.

No, it’s absolutely not hard, you just need to tweak the code a little bit.

You also need to make adjustments there as you did with the vehicle menu. It works the same.
Hope I answered all your questions.

Tomorrow ill try to make those changes, I ll tell u if I found any issues, and thanks for all the help so far.

am i the only one who cant close it again?

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I get this error every time when i open your inventory


Just follow the instruction in the README file.

Hey! Nice script thanks for converting it!

I am having a problem when I am in Veh Trunk. Proxy Call: getCfgInventoryHud

Print below:

I am having other problem that I cannot see , or cannot understand how the pictures from items work? Can u help me a little? Thanks!

Hi, copy this function to the \vrp\modules\basic_garage.lua file.

function vRP.getCfgInventoryHud()
	return cfg_inventory

i cant close the inventory

Thanks it worked.

What about chests, what should I do to integrade vrp_chests with the inventory?

I did that but the it showed “Second inventory is not acessable” it is not the correct word but I don’t remember the correct word.

You should use the vRPin.openChest function instead of the vRP.openChest one.

What about item pictures? I can’t see any item with a picture

Name the icons according to your item ids and don’t forget to add them to the resource’s fxmanifest.

Thank you!

What about weapons? In vRP their name is wbody| and wammo| but in windows i can not use | in the name of weapons, what can I do?

why do i get this error when i eat or drink

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it says I do not have dependency. where can i get dependency?

hey i got a problem add your script to the folder and started it the normal inventory works but not when im in a car when i open the menu on f3 i says (The Second inventory is not available

You need to edit the basic_garage in vrp/modules. Then the GUI trunk will open with your vrp menu by going into the vehicle submenu.