vRP Old Post

Come join the community that makes you feel right at home, with custom vehicles, liveries, uniforms and more. You won’t regret becoming a part of VirtualRP!

Love this place! The new update they just let out revamped the entire voice system and they even added radios! So excited for what’s to come!

Can definitely agree that this version on VRP stands way over the original one, so many more improvements and more experience behind making the server.

They released their custom robbery! My god is it hard. It’s even possible to do without police around, and I’ve heard it gives some pretty great rewards. EDIT: They just made it even harder and you definitely need a small group to do this. - Seems like they’re throwing out updates every other day. Really nice to see active developers listening to their community. EDIT 2: Just had a bunch of fun tonight, was rivalling a gang and had a good shootout.

VirtualRP has a strong base for its community however we are in need of a lot more players. We’ve recently added so many awesome features that we hope you enjoy, and we’ve added a 100K starting bonus for new players entering the city hoping we can get some of you to check us out!

Come on and join the fun, we’re only a click away!
Discord Invite: https://discord.gg/virtualrp