[vRP] Job Goal ( Money Goal )

Job Goal a.k.a Money Goal
Hello my name is Vlad, today i’ll release my Job Goal script ;x ! I hope you enjoy it.

  • A little description of this:
    When a player works on a job and he is paid with any amount of money the Goal is growing up. When the goal is reached all players online at that moment on server get’s an random amount of money and a little animation with Job Goal Passed Respect+ like Mission passed from GTA:SA

  • How to make this thing work?

  • STEP 1:
    You’ll have to add this line of code on vRP/base.lua under the Tunnel.getInterface("vRP","vRP") function
    –> Line of code: jobGoal = Proxy.getInterface("vRP_jobGoal")

  • STEP 2:
    After this you’ll have to go in vRP/modules/money.lua and replace your vRP.giveMoney(user_id,amount) function with this one:

function vRP.giveMoney(user_id,amount,jobs)
  local money = vRP.getMoney(user_id)
  if(jobs == "true")then

Screenshots --> [Imgur]
DOWNLOAD --> [Download via GitHub]

Enjoy using this :3


Salut, unde exact in server.lua ar trebui sa ma duc, adica in ce fisier, ca nu-mi dau seama exact. Mersi :*

Why would you do “if (jobs == “true”) then”?
Just do “if jobs then” since it is so much simpler

You’re right but, I use some things for jobs and I need string options ;x