[vRP Framework]-[Psycho Edited - FX 3.5]-[23/07/17]

I was just going to change the default cop uniform to a replacement one I found… No big deal… I know all this will change later :slight_smile: But I did catch one bug… Garage on the north of the city has blip issues… they are too close to the garage door

Fix this in new update and about u close I can make a videos tutorial but my mic is bad

Is this fixed in 3.0? Cause I updated today and still have the issue… Is that because I swapped the garages.lua for the old one ( I chose not to install LScustoms cause I couldnt figure it out for HeidiSQL

Try install xampp and u can use lscustom

About u question no, I need make this in new up

Vertrigo its 2 program i recomend about mysql very easy to make it works

Thanks for the reply I did find it,
And for the Fbi role the cops will attack you and you get wanted level. Don’t know if is the same with the sheriff. Just to let you know.

If fbi and sheriff has bug in new up I fix this I think I forgot to put something lines in groups

Yeah no biggie I figured will let you know!

I use xampp with Heidi… I just couldnt figure it out from your pics of myphph… Its no big deal right now though… All is working great right now…

I know how to do it with 2 scripts.
Later i post it how to do that.


@Psychorustle awesome works! Man you are the best! Can i ask you something? How can I edit skin selector? I want something like chose skin from the database, not create new like in GTA:O.

You can add peds(Hashes) to the locker room. In wardbore u can save changes presets.

Thats what I was wondering… cause I have the hash for the ped I want to use I just didnt see where I could place the hash# for the Cop slot in the station

Ah ok but would be nice if you need to stay longer for sell stuff and so on with animations so cops could catch you.

And for money laundring.

I tried it for the business and yes maximum is business capital.
But when does it go to normal money?
i hope also loose about 40% or something would be nice.
This i dont know how to get it.

Also learning lua and that stuff what does it do?
Without this i stand 2min there and have over 50 credit cards ^^

Thought its kinda get higher level to get more cards or something.

["police"] = {
    _config = { permissions = {"police.cloakroom"} },
    ["Male uniform"] = {
      ["Cop01SMY"] = {1581098148}

Idk, works it or not, but try to test it.

will also play with it. Since the FBI male is an IAA flight agent with an empty pistol holster at the moment hehe^^

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Going to try now, Thanks

When the money is washed, then you will get clean money into the inventory or into the bank account, I do not exactly remember how it works. The more you increase the capital, the more you can wash at a time.

Packages of money are now made just so, they have no special purpose and application, but you can apply them to anything - for example, to rob a bank and pulling out of it the packing of money

Not now. I only figured out you can create a business. Then you can insert dirty cash for laundering.
but now my server is ruinning 24hours and still no clean money.

I also saw in the items some money packs and stuff but maybe it has nothing todo with it

Does anyone have ingame chat working here in vRP? I can not get it to work

Chat has a button on T.
Look is not turned off or is it correctly written in /citmp-server

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