[vRP Framework]-[Psycho Edited - FX 3.5]-[23/07/17]

its not a bug, its scripted by original creator, but i can try to remove it


holy shyte, thank you for the answerā€¦ its logical now that you say it and i saw an ambulance soā€¦ why not copsā€¦ and since its an RP server you cant have no npc copsā€¦

i still need NPC cops tho and pretty sure i am not alone. if you can whip something out Psy that would be supreme!!

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:open_mouth: the garages do not work without LsCustoms ?? I removed it by the problem that happened to me and I do not get any vehicles: O, remove lscustom from resources of autoresources and the db vehicles eliminate it: S ??

try delete u database and restart u server from 0 without lscustom


Iā€™ve done that and nothing.

u need replace the basic_garagem, of client and modules with the original, u can take it from original github @SUPERANDROID_HACKS

I just want to make sure it only notifies the correct groups IE police so it would need some proxy calls to get which users are in the correct groups etc.

I havenā€™t looked at the script too much thatā€™s why I said Iā€™d get to it if no one else did once I finished LS customs. Which should hopefully be this weekend sometime. :smiley: fingers crossed

I pick it up from the last version :slight_smile: of the 2.0 :slight_smile:

Yeah youā€™ll need the vrp>client>basic_garage.lua and vrp>modules>basic_garage.lua from the original if you want to remove ls customs as LS-customs modifies them for the vrp conversion.

@JinkLeft i think u can get a notify in vrp scriptsā€¦ see this
if u can get trigger this in bank robbery i think its done


local wantedlvl_players = {}

function vRP.getUserWantedLevel(user_id)
  return wantedlvl_players[user_id] or 0

-- receive wanted level
function tvRP.updateWantedLevel(level)
  local player = source
  local user_id = vRP.getUserId(player)
  if user_id ~= nil then
    local was_wanted = (vRP.getUserWantedLevel(user_id) > 0)
    wantedlvl_players[user_id] = level
    local is_wanted = (level > 0)

    -- send wanted to listening service
    if not was_wanted and is_wanted then
      vRPclient.getPosition(player, {}, function(x,y,z)
        vRP.sendServiceAlert(nil, cfg.wanted.service,x,y,z,lang.police.wanted({level}))

    if was_wanted and not is_wanted then
      vRPclient.removeNamedBlip(-1, {"vRP:wanted:"..user_id}) -- remove wanted blip (all to prevent phantom blip)
vRPclient.getPosition(player, {}, function(x,y,z)
        vRP.sendServiceAlert(nil, cfg.wanted.service,x,y,z,lang.police.wanted({level}))
-- display wanted positions
local function task_wanted_positions()
  local listeners = vRP.getUsersByPermission("police.wanted")
  for k,v in pairs(wantedlvl_players) do -- each wanted player
    local player = vRP.getUserSource(tonumber(k))
    if player ~= nil and v ~= nil and v > 0 then
      vRPclient.getPosition(player, {}, function(x,y,z)
        for l,w in pairs(listeners) do -- each listening player
          local lplayer = vRP.getUserSource(w)
          if lplayer ~= nil then
            vRPclient.setNamedBlip(lplayer, {"vRP:wanted:"..k,x,y,z,cfg.wanted.blipid,cfg.wanted.blipcolor,lang.police.wanted({v})})

  SetTimeout(5000, task_wanted_positions)
local listeners = vRP.getUsersByPermission("police.wanted")

Already this already works :slight_smile: thanks bro: P sorry for LsCustoms to see if it solves: S

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what events do you send for bank robberies?



    name="Bank robbery", -- menu name
    r=255,g=125,b=0, -- color
    radius=2, height=1.0, -- area
    recipes = {
      ["Robbery"] = { -- action name
        description="Robbery a bank.", -- action description
        in_money=0, -- money taken per unit
        out_money=0, -- money earned per unit
        reagents={}, -- items taken per unit
		["dirty_money"] = 5000
		}, -- items given per unit
        aptitudes={ -- optional
          ["Robbery.bank"] = 1 -- "group.aptitude", give 1 exp per unit
     --, onstart = function(player,recipe) end, -- optional start callback
    -- onstep = function(player,recipe) end, -- optional step callback
    -- onstop = function(player,recipe) end -- optional stop callback
 --, onstart = function(player,Robbery) end, -- optional start callback
    -- onstep = function(player,Robbery) end, -- optional step callback
    -- onstop = function(player,Robbery) end -- optional stop callback

iā€™m dont try it but i think its work if u add a vrp.functions

send me u ip i can play with u :smiley:

ok read private :stuck_out_tongue:

its i nice idea i can test config with us

becouse i only test in localhost

hi mate after i updated i cant spawn cars what have i done wrong