[vRP Framework]-[Psycho Edited - FX 3.5]-[23/07/17]

why people that are not paramedic can spawn ambulance?

There is a simple script that puts a dot over player heads. This allow u to know if a person isa player without meta gaming

Remove The LSCustoms Mod

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need more job(truckers), house, norm hospital, helicopter.

good mod need for vrp please

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Man, pls, make drugs or alcohol with drunk effect. Idk how to make It, so hard to understand :c

make ban system better players can just rename on steam to avoid ban

In which file can change these scales?

yeah men update vrp to port fxserver :slight_smile:

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Is already for fxserver :slight_smile: for when this Vrp to fxserver? :slight_smile: and where could you download the fsxserver?


oka thanks, And I just need to carry all this Vrp and my modified version to fxserver

What I posted was just where to get FXserver. I don’t think you can just copy this edit into it until it has been ported for FXserver, but I have not tested personally. I’m sure it will be updated soon

tgw vRP changed a lot of stuff for FXServer also mysql async as i saw this days,

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vRP already has clothing shops though

But most has white/black caros on my side.

remove lscustom and replace with original vrp/client/basic_garage and vrp/modules/basic_garage

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i’m import my configs to new vrp FXServer


How to whiten dirty money? With the business I get my money but not the black money or how exactly does the dirty money work?