[vRP Framework]-[Psycho Edited - FX 3.5]-[23/07/17]

i smply added the points.

The off-road and suvs are allready in the garages.lua.

like the supercars and so on.

and the are in the garages types

a okay seems like all types which can be parked need to be also in the housing grages since there is a list of the car types. damn :smiley:

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I cant make the wanted level work, any help is welcome :sweat_smile:

more details, please :wink:

i have been trying to figure out the wanted system too specially for the bank robbery. No luck as of yet

i hope @Psychorustle can hopefully help with this. To get a player cop wanted level when not paying fuel :smiley:

Im trying this now:

Then im happy with cars :smiley:
if the get realistic broken a bit. Not like normal in GTA5 you can crash 10min :smiley:

indicators - check-
fuel - check
Cruise control - check

and then damage - check hopefully :smiley: :smiley:

But normal uses seems to be not able to use repair kits or?

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God idea my friend this would save you alot time

Repairkits uses with repair group. After repairing car you need on/off engine.

I added in the extra police groups ie fbi and sheriff and i can select the jobs however there is no uniforms for these roles? Nothing happens in the blue marker, any ideas

Uniforms in cloackrooms ur police group. Maybe the group was incorrectly spelled out, сheck in the database. Vrp_user_data

he need to find the correct blue markers.
THEY are not the same as the police ones!

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I just made this edit in the cfg\groups.ua

[“Police Job”] = {
_config = {x = 441.203308105469, y = -981.135131835938, z = 30.6896057128906, blipid = 351, blipcolor = 1, permissions = {“cop.whitelisted”} },

I can select the job but cant add uniform for them roles

May be true :smiley:

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All working thanks chaps

Does anyone else have the issue of not having a Thirst and hunger bar?

Is your resolution 1920x1080 then you want see it. You have in 3.0 some files for other REsolutions. Still not nice.
i think an other solution for hud will come in the next update.

Car damage is all shit. We need the good mechanic job in there where this is included ^^
your car only drive slow and smokes and so. Its really nice :slight_smile:

Like this health:

-- Dommage Véhicule  restart depanneur

local function CustomVehicleDommage()
    local myPed = GetPlayerPed(-1)
    local vehicle = GetVehiclePedIsIn(myPed, 0)
    if vehicle ~= 0 then 
        local engineHealth = GetVehicleEngineHealth(vehicle)
        local vehicleHealth = GetEntityHealth(vehicle)
        local petrolTankeHealth = GetVehiclePetrolTankHealth(vehicle)
        local vehicleHealth2 = GetVehicleBodyHealth_2(vehicle)

        -- local t2 = (2100 - engineHealth - petrolTankeHealth - vehicleHealth2)
        -- ClearPrints()
        -- SetTextEntry_2("STRING")
        -- AddTextComponentString('~r~' .. math.floor(engineHealth) .. ' ~g~ ' .. vehicleHealth .. ' ~b~ ' .. math.floor(petrolTankeHealth) .. '\n~y~' .. vehicleHealth2 .. '\n~o~' .. t2)
        -- DrawSubtitleTimed(200, 1)

        if vehicleHealth <= 875 then
		 if vehicleHealth <= 840 then
            SetVehicleEngineHealth(vehicle, -1.0)
        -- if vehicleHealth <= 0 or 
           -- (engineHealth <= 900 and engineHealth > 151) or 
           -- petrolTankeHealth <= 900  or
           -- vehicleHealth - 2000 + engineHealth + petrolTankeHealth <= 0 then   
            -- SetVehicleEngineHealth(vehicle, -1.0)
            -- SetVehicleBodyHealth(0.0)
            -- SetVehicleUndriveable(vehicle, true)
        -- elseif (2100 - engineHealth - petrolTankeHealth - vehicleHealth2) >= 65 and engineHealth > 150 then
            -- SetVehicleDoorOpen(vehicle, 4, 0, 0)
            -- SetVehicleBodyHealth(vehicle, vehicleHealth + 2000 - engineHealth - petrolTankeHealth)
            -- SetVehicleEngineHealth(vehicle, 150.0)
        -- end
        -- local total = engineHealth + vehicleHealth + petrolTankeHealth
        -- if engineHealth >= 998 and petrolTankeHealth >= 998 then
        --     SetEntityHealth(vehicle, 1000)
        --     vehicleHealth = 1000
        -- end
        -- local bodyHealth = vehicleHealth
        -- local t = (2000-engineHealth-petrolTankeHealth) + ((1000-vehicleHealth)/25)
        -- local t = GetVehicleDeformationAtPos(vehicle,1.21, 6.15, 0.3)
        -- t = (t.x * t.x + t.y * t.y + t.z * t.z) * 1000
        -- local t = GetVehicleBodyHealth_2(vehicle)
        -- if total <= 2850 then
        --     SetVehicleDoorOpen(vehicle, 4, 0, 0)
        -- end
        -- if total < 2800 and engineHealth >= 1 then
        --     if vehicleHealth + petrolTankeHealth < 1800 or vehicleHealth < 750 then
        --         SetVehicleEngineHealth(vehicle, -1.0)
        --         SetVehicleEngineOn(vehicle, 0, 0, 0)
        --         SetVehicleBodyHealth(vehicle, vehicleHealth * 0.1 )
        --         SetVehicleUndriveable(vehicle, true)
        --     else
        --         SetVehicleEngineHealth(vehicle, 0.0)
        --         SetVehicleEngineOn(vehicle, 0, 0, 0)
        --         SetVehicleUndriveable(vehicle, true)
        --     end
        -- end
        --Debug Show Dommage 
        -- local t = math.floor(GetVehicleBodyHealth_2(vehicle))
        -- local t2 = 2100 - engineHealth - petrolTankeHealth - t
        -- ClearPrints()
        -- SetTextEntry_2("STRING")
        -- AddTextComponentString('~r~' .. math.floor(engineHealth) .. ' ~g~ ' .. vehicleHealth .. ' ~b~ ' .. math.floor(petrolTankeHealth) .. '\n~y~' .. t .. '\n~o~' .. t2)
        -- DrawSubtitleTimed(200, 1)


function getStatusVehicle()
    local myPed = GetPlayerPed(-1)
    local vehicle = GetVehicleLookByPlayer(myPed, 3.0)
    local p = GetEntityCoords(vehicle, 0)
    local h = GetEntityHeading(vehicle)
    -- Citizen.Trace('Pos: ' .. p.x .. ' ' .. p.y .. ' ' .. p.z .. ' ' .. h)
    if vehicle ~= 0 then 
        -- local capotOpen = GetVehicleDoorAngleRatio(vehicle, 4) > 0.5
        -- if not capotOpen then 
        --     showMessageInformation(TEXT.CapotFerme)
        -- else
            local scenario = 'PROP_HUMAN_BUM_SHOPPING_CART'
            local pos = GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords(myPed, 0.0, 0.2, 0.0)
            --TaskStartScenarioAtPosition(myPed, scenario, pos.x, pos.y, pos.z, 0.0, 8000, 1, 0)
            TaskStartScenarioInPlace(myPed, scenario, 8000, 1)
            local vehicleHealth = GetVehicleEngineHealth(vehicle)
            if vehicleHealth > 900 then
            elseif vehicleHealth >= 150 then
        -- end

You do not like it “advanced car damage”? I test it and works fine.

The car takes so long to be broken. But then no smoke nothing. Baam to damaged :smiley:

or have you changed something or settings?

In the n3mtv script its nice made. Youre car is smoking on the engine and you can not drive fast anymore. So you could drive to the ls customs to repair. when its getting more damaged you also cant move anymore.

But they also speeded up the smoke car i dont know how they did it ^^ So it smokes earlier then normal

Yea, im change, and when a car baaam in wood on 100km/h - Dead :blush:

Default settings

But, if you hit the hood three times, the engine will break. I think that it will be necessary to lower the value damagesubmission=30 and this be work ^ ^

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