[vRP] Chat Rules 1.0

Hello friends, I’m reviewing what we were reported here, thank you.

ok i’ll w8 for updates then i will use it

Ver 1.1 Released :grin:

i’ll test now 20 chars

tested… al fine bro you are awesome! i want you like my developer!

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Its not working, whatever i try to do to it :frowning:

@daimkake are you sure you worked on permission? if want help pm me…

Got it sorted out.
Thanks to Leo.
Appreciate it, it works like a charm! :slight_smile:

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Thank you! I was looking for something like this. Great job!

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Opa beleza? eu puis o chat ai, mas fica um fundo azul ainda, sabe me dizer oq acontece?

i like it but does it work completely with dunko vrp edit

I use it with the vRP system normally. You have to disable other active chat scripts in your resources.

Amm…It works well, but there is one problem. Even though I change my job, I can’t change my chatting role.

Salve Leonardo funciona com a base Shadow?

This is so cool. Thank you for sharing this, i added the user_id in front of the group name as a change. One question i have. When i have superadmin, admin and ups for example as active groups, when i type a message in chat it makes 3 messages for each group (ups, admin and superadmin). Do you have a fix for this?

Hi how do you added the user_id in the front of the group.Can you please give me like a source code?

well, that’s quite simple. this is my server.lua, see the TriggerClientEvent

for r=1, #cfgcmd do --[[ Anonimo ]]
        if sm[1] == cfgcmd[r].cmd then
          if vRP.hasPermission({user_id,cfgcmd[r].permission}) then
            iscmd = true
            if cfgcmd[r].userdb then
              local dbfirstname = identity.firstname
              local dbname = identity.name
              name = dbfirstname .." "..dbname

            if cfgcmd[r].anonymous then
              name = ""
            TriggerClientEvent('chatMessage', -1, "[ID:"..user_id.. "] ".. cfgcmd[r].display.." " .. name.." ", { cfgcmd[r].r, cfgcmd[r].g, cfgcmd[r].b }, string.sub(msg,string.len(cfgcmd[r].cmd)+1))

      if string.find(sm[1], "/", 1) and not iscmd then
        table.remove(sm, 1)
        msg = nil

      if not iscmd and msg ~= nil then
        local ing = false
        for v=1, #cfgrules do --[[ Pentru grade (ex: Fondator) ]]
          if vRP.hasPermission({user_id,cfgrules[v].permission}) then
            if cfgrules[v].userdb then
              local dbfirstname = identity.firstname
              local dbname = identity.name
              name = dbfirstname .." "..dbname
            ing = true
            TriggerClientEvent('chatMessage', -1, "[ID:"..user_id.. "] ".. cfgrules[v].display.." " .. name.." ", { cfgrules[v].r, cfgrules[v].g, cfgrules[v].b }, msg)

        if not ing then  --[[ Pentru gradul default (civil) ]]
          if cfgu.userdb then
            local dbfirstname = identity.firstname
            local dbname = identity.name
            name = dbfirstname .." "..dbname
          TriggerClientEvent('chatMessage', -1,"[ID:"..user_id.. "] ".. cfgu.display.." " .. name.." ", { cfgu.r, cfgu.g, cfgu.b }, msg)

Well nevermind, i fixed the double text either. It was quite simple actually, just added a few if-s. Thank you for releasing this super easy to configure script. Really glad i use this instead of rolesfx

poti sa imi dai si pt asta source code mersi mult! si sarbatori fericite

i think we should keep the language in english. anyway, sorry but no. i want to keep that for myself