[VORP/RSG][PAID] Brew Multijob - A versatile multijob system

Welcome to Brewery

Introducing Brew-Multijob – a versatile multijob system for VORP and RSG!

Originally designed for our own roleplay server, we’ve completely reworked and refined this script to make it available for the broader community.

Key Features

  • Easy Access: Use commands or items to seamlessly open the job menu, you can choose what you want!
  • Unlimited Slots: Assign an unlimited number of job slots to any player.
  • Efficient Management: Quickly print a detailed list of a player’s job slots to find the exact one you need.
  • Streamlined Control: Remove specific jobs from a player with a single command based on the slot or revoke the whole access.
  • Proven Reliability: Tested on servers with over 100+ players – no performance issues, just smooth functionality.

Why Choose Brew-Multijob?

Take your server to the next level with this advanced multijob system, designed to enhance roleplay and simplify job management for both admins and players.

Get it now and start elevating your server experience today!


:hammer_and_wrench: BREW CRAFTING - The most advanced crafting system for RSGv2 and VORP
:dollar: BREW CASES - A CSGO styled case system for VORP and RSG


:white_check_mark: VORP
:white_check_mark: RSG


:camera: Click here for the Showcase Video!


:dollar: Click here to get to Tebex!


12€ + Tebex fees and local taxes

Code is accessible No
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) ~450
Requirements jo_libs, oxmysql
Support Yes
(For releases without code the not applicable fields can be written as N/A)