[VORP/RSG] Brew Cases - A CS:GO styled case system for RedM

Welcome to Brewery

Introducing Brew-Cases – a versatile csgo styled case system for VORP and RSG!

Brew-Cases is a versatile and fully customizable CS:GO-style case system designed specifically for VORP and RSG servers. Originally crafted for internal use, this system is now available to the public, providing server owners with a powerful and easy-to-use tool to enhance player engagement and server customization.

Key Features

  • Unlimited Case Customization: Add an unlimited number of elements to each case, including items, weapons, money, and custom events.
  • Custom Rarity Tiers: Define and manage as many rarity levels as you want, giving your cases a unique flair.
  • Event Integration: Enter event names as reward, those get triggered and you can process in a own system what the player wins!
  • Bonus Resource: Includes a trade-in shop resource to let players exchange items for cases, with the flexibility to integrate your own system if preferred.
  • Fully Customizable UI: The unencrypted UI folder gives you full control over the design, making it easy to align the interface with your server’s branding.
  • Proven Performance: Tested on a server with over 100 players, ensuring smooth operation and no performance issues.

Why Choose Brew-Cases?

Take your server to the next level with this case system, designed to enhance roleplay and add a reward possibility to your server!

Get it now and start elevating your server experience today!


:hammer_and_wrench: BREW CRAFTING - The most advanced crafting system for RSGv2 and VORP
:busts_in_silhouette: BREW MULTIJOB - A versatile multijob system for VORP and RSG!


:white_check_mark: VORP
:white_check_mark: RSG


:camera: Click here for the Showcase Video!


:dollar: Click here to get to Tebex!


10€ + Tebex fees and local taxes

Code is accessible No
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) ~500
Requirements jo_libs, RSG Core or VORP Core
Support Yes