[Vorp] Handcart

This script provides a handcart vehicle for RedM, allowing players to rent, drive, and return a handcart while maintaining trying a visual trick of realism. The handcart visually appears as a physical cart, but movement and physics are controlled by an invisible buggy.


  1. /rent_handcart:
  • Spawns a handcart for the player.
  • Positions the player on the handcart and starts the driving animation.
  1. /return_handcart:
  • Removes the handcart and handcart prop from the game.
  • Detaches the player from the handcart.

handcart.zip (2.5 KB)

Code is accessible Yes
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) ~120
Requirements VORP Core
Support No

is there a way you can interact with a ped to do this instead of a command as well maybe a button you can use while next to it and on it to attach and detach the player

Good Idea! When I have some extra time I will try to update it!

Maybe add a PED you can rent it from and it spawns on the tracks insted of this