🌍 Very basic waypoint setter

Introducing the “Waypoint Setter” - Your Ultimate Stress-Reliever and Time-Saving FiveM Script!


  1. Instant Waypoint Generation: With Waypoint Setter, you can generate a waypoint to any location on the map with just a few simple commands. Say goodbye to struggling to find your way in unfamiliar territories or trying to memorize complex routes.
  2. Zip Code Precision: Our advanced script allows you to specify a precise zip code, and Waypoint Setter will pinpoint the exact location on the map. Whether it’s a meeting point, a mission objective, or a secret hideout, Waypoint Setter will get you there in no time.
  3. User-Friendly Interface: We understand the importance of simplicity, especially in high-stress situations. Waypoint Setter comes with an intuitive and easy-to-use interface, even for beginners. Just type in the zip code, and Waypoint Setter takes care of the rest.

Seamless Integration: Installing and using Waypoint Setter is a breeze! The script seamlessly integrates with your FiveM gaming experience, ensuring a smooth and immersive gameplay environment.

Time-Saving Efficiency: Waypoint Setter is a real-time saver! Instead of wasting precious minutes searching for your destination, you can now focus on what matters most - enjoying your game and completing missions efficiently.

Customizable Options: Personalize to suit your preferences, including a config.lua file for easy customization.

Stress-Relief Guaranteed: When the clock is ticking and pressure is mounting, Waypoint Setter is your trusted companion. Stay calm, navigate precisely, and take control of any situation with ease.

Don’t let lost time and frustration hold you back. Upgrade your FiveM experience with “Waypoint Setter” today and embrace a stress-free, time-saving navigation solution like never before!

Code is accessible Yes
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 1000+
Requirements none
Support Yes

Isn’t this similar to nearest postal’s /postal command

already exists for free

“Very Basic” but it’s paid?

Very Advanced Free One : [Release] Nearest Postal Script

local Postals = json.decode(LoadResourceFile(GetCurrentResourceName(), "/json/postals.json"))

	TriggerEvent('chat:addSuggestion', '/postal', 'Mark Wanted Postal Number', {
		{ name="Number", help="Postal Number" },

	local WantedPostal = tonumber(args[1])
	if not WantedPostal then return exports['mythic_notify']:SendAlert("error", "Enter Valid Postal Code") end
	local Found = false
	for i, p in ipairs(Postals) do
		if tonumber(WantedPostal) == tonumber(p.code) then
			exports['mythic_notify']:SendAlert("success", "Location Marked")
			Found = true
	if not Found then return exports['mythic_notify']:SendAlert("error", "That Postal Code Didnt Found") end