[Paid] Vehicle Marketplace [ESX/QB]

:point_right: PREVIEW


  • Shop that can run on their own or be owned by player
  • Boss menu for shop that is owned by player (withdraw/deposit money, sold vehicles list)
  • Full vehicle specifications preview
  • Discord Logs
  • Create as many as you want shops



Vehicle Resell Script can work on 2 ways:

  1. Run on their own (every player can put on sale their vehicle)
  2. Owned by player (only shop owner can put on sale vehicle in that shop but he first need to own that vehicle, we didn’t included any type of vehicle transfer beetwene players because we belive you already have one, if needed we can add)

Shop Owner have firm menu, inside that shop he have option to withdraw/deposit money from firm, check sold vehicle list (can be filtered by sold date and filtered by price)



  • NONE

:shopping_cart: BUY HERE: https://uniq.tebex.io/

:package: OTHER WORKS

Code is accessible :heavy_check_mark:
Subscription-based :x:
Lines (approximately) 1000+
Requirements oxmysql, esx legacy or qb-core, ox_lib, qtarget or qb-target
Support :heavy_check_mark:

hi! its possible to set a society account to where the money of the sell goes for a owned shop ?

i’m asking because i have a scenario like this:
the owner of the Mechanic X on my server receives money for the work thats done in his mechanic (the money goes to society account, ex: mechanicx), on the side i have a 24/7 store that the money of all items sold on this store goes to the same society account (mechanicx) and i have a place near this mechanic that i want to add a used vehicles sales and i want that all money of the sales goes to the society account (ex: mechanicx).

is this possible with your script ?


Hi, currently, it can’t be stored in society money, it stores in separated table in database but if you already bought it or you are interested in buying it just because of that we will help you set it up for free :smile:

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