Vehicle Despawn Problem

Have found a problem with vehicle despawning when host player leaves. I notice this happen on my main server so setup a new test server to verify problem, setup and problem below.

Test Server run the latest server version, client up to date, scripts running (baseevents, chat, fivem, hardcap, mapmanager, ■■■■■■■, sessionmanager, spawnmanager and simple vehicle spawn script).

Server start no error reported, player 1 joins server becoming the host player, players 2 and 3 join server. All player spawn a vehicle, player 1 leaves server all spawned vehicle get removed, all local AI peds neither player despawn, all AI vehicles despawn.

Test server running on window 10 with all requirements

any ideas anyone

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Yes had reports from my players on my server and have the same issue I have taken the same steps and it does it with no scripts running and clean install of the server…

K Update on the problem re-setup test server by downloading all new copies of files from the FiveM website, config copied from website (this is a barebones server). Start server no error or crashing, players 1,2,3 join server in order and spawn vehicles, player 1 is current arbitrator. Now when player 1 leaves server selects new arbitrator and vehicle stay spawned. At this point we’ll say player 2 is the current arbitrator of the two remaining players, player 2 now leave server fails to select the remaining player as arbitrator and all vehicle despawn including AI ped and AI vehicle. No server crash dump generated I have attached citizenfx log but looks clean no errors. If you don’t believe the problem setup server as per website and run the tests as I have, this problem really messes up an RP server went player counts are low.CitizenFX.log (90.8 KB)

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