Vegetation Plus March

Vegetation Plus
By Rogue Development

This is now a 1-time purchase as updates will be longer.
I have more on the TEBEX
This is also Client sided & Server Sided

Find here
Price £7.20


Code accessible No
Subscription based No
Lines (approximately) N/A
Requirements N/A
Support Yes

Please include the paid release template you removed during topic creation

What template?

The template that was on the post when you created it.

It can also be found here:

I mean, for only 8 euro ? Its not that expensive and looks good ( with shaders ). Maybe there is not a custom props, but i dont mean its something bad. At least if you have a bad pc, than you dont have a 20 fps

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nothing to say…

Good work :slight_smile:

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Awaiting paid releases template

Ye thanks, mate. I only experience poor performance when I first load it up but after a few times, it gets better. I try to limit how much vegetation I put in an area.

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Thank you!