Use Command Seta

How could I change this to use NumberPad 0 instead? A friend of mine has this code, but someone else gave it to him. It automatically uses the “Redio Emote” while you push the key, and stops the emote once you release it. He had it set on another server, but once he came to the one I am in, it still works.

unbind mouse_button mouse_extrabtn2; seta +radio “e radio”; seta -radio “wait 250;e c”; bind mouse_button mouse_extrabtn2 “+vstr +radio -radio”

Thanks in advance!!

Edit: Follow Money7’s video and use that code. That’s how I got it to work!

i made a video on a pass around on this How to fix radio emote error with seta Fivem - YouTube , you gotta do it client sided.

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and heres the script for numberpad 0

bind keyboard numpad0 “+vstr +radio -radio”
also to unbind it
unbind keyboard numpad0

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Dude, you are the man! Thanks!

no problem

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So I am trying to unbind this command but when I type

unbind mouse_button mouse_extrabtn3

into the F8 console, I get no return from the console and the key is still binded. Any ideas?

Edit: I’ve messed around in the fivem.cfg file and what I found was I had to manually delete the seta commands and then run the unbind code in the F8 console