[UPDATED] Standalone Currency System

Sounds great!

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Excited af for the update with multiple characters!

Question for you for now, do you know where the info is kept for the current users account balance and if its editable?

The plan for this currency system was to make it fully standalone so the money is saved in server side kvp. The new one will use sql database so it will be possible to edit and manage it.


Andy, if you are really planning on creating a framework standalone. I want to thank you. You have already saved me many issues with your scripts. Thank you!

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Yes it’s almost finished, I’m going to make it really nice and bug free I’m putting a lot of work into it I will be posting a preview soon.


So excited!!

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Savage work! Love it in my server. Did you ever get it to work with Legacy Fuel?

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That would be cool if it worked with Legacy fuel or Badger Bank Robbery

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Yes I forked legacy fuel on my github, I’m also doing a complete rewrite on both soon.

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Is there any way to change the max transfer amount? I looked everywhere it seems to be locked to $2500 max per transfer. I only ask because there is no way my friends are gonna be able to do large buys say 20k and above as they’d have to do tons of transfers.

It’s the max and min values in the html file

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Running the script through visual studio code and through browsers, in both html there are only min=0 and no “max” inputs. Again , im somewhat new to this so I may be missing something, yet I even ctrl+f’ed it to search every single included file and html as well as searched for hidden code and hidden files and nothing comes back with a max. Forcing it to take a max input through both HTML does absolutely nothing either so idk where that “max” field would be at…
Either that or im just dumb lol

Oh I think I put it in the listener.js

I will anyways rewrite this script soon.


Ah. Yep, found it. Well I hope your able to improve upon it! Thanks for the help :slight_smile:

Hello, we have this in our FiveM server and were wondering if there is a way to add money to players through a command in game. Thanks

in the fxmanifest.lua file there is an example that you could put in a client file for a keystroke add. You could rewrite it for a command instead.

As Protoford mentioned, the fxmanifest lists the exports available for this. I’m currently setting up an “admin money tool” script for our server that will have commands to add and remove cash and bank money to/from players with the commands secured by ACE perms. I’m pretty new to scripting so it’s gonna be 50/50 if it actually works but if it does, I’ll upload it to GitHub and post a link in here for anyone else that wants to use it. (If it doesn’t work, I’ll probably still upload it and post a link in case anyone wants to help fix it)


Well, spent quite a bit of my spare time this weekend working on the admin script for giving/taking cash/bank money and went to test this morning and hit a nice little issue. It appears that the exports listed in the fxmanifest don’t actually exist? I event copied/pasted the export directly from his LegacyFuel script to make sure it wasn’t an issue with my code and still get a message in the console saying the exports do not exist…

I will be rewriting this whole money system and use oxmysql for it instead of saving the money in kvp. I will also move it all server side and make some admin commands too.