[UPDATE] [STANDALONE] [SOURCE] lilabyte_policeTape - Police Tape Script

Is there a little more detailed document on how to install node.js and the module needed?? I just bought this and I am at a loss.

Hi, please send me a direct message here, I will guide you through the installation process.

Hi there! By any chance is there a way to run this on our own dedicated server without having to send data over to a server out of our control? Just a security concern.

Hi, the update which removed requirement of connecting to the external server was just released. Please read the topic to learn how to get the newest update.


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I messaged you 2 days ago and emailed you I’m still waiting for a response

Can you give this a more in depth install tutorial, because I already have npm, and I installed all of the dependencies, but still nothing, I got the tape in my hands when I do /tapeEditor, but once I place it there is no tape, nor is there anything in consol.

Are you using the newest version or one of the older?

Hi, I’ve sent you an update. Sorry for waiting.

not sure, my friend progamerdude bought it 5 days ago

Can you respond to my other one plz

Again plz

I bought this. I can use spawn object to generate the model. But when I use this script, no model is generated. Can you help me or take a video about script installation?

i will this buy, but to many user reports , that not work, working it or not ?


if you would be so nice to answer my message to, it’s been some time since i wrote it about the update+ some tutorial or help about using this would be cool

I bought this script, wanted the new version bc of the API, I tried to get in contact with this guy since 9-12-2021. After messages, no response at all…

saya mau main game gta5

i fell you, it’s been months and still can’t get it to work…