Unparalleled customization, but

The go-to city for character customization especially if you’re LGBTQ+. However, for every decent person you meet, there’s 3 other people who cross the line with their Mean Girls “RP,” and this is something that is encouraged as it is “conflict RP” despite it often going too far. RP is give-and-take, and if all you’re giving is nastiness then it’s simply not fun for others. Unfortunately a not insignificant amount of people in the city don’t understand that and use “RP” as an excuse to verbally abuse people - and let’s not mention the amount of IC and OOC blending that happens on the daily. Frankly, I haven’t had much of a negative experience myself but many people I’ve come to care about have, enough so that I can see that it’s a problem within the community as a whole. Overall, it’s a good server for its cosmetics but you won’t get a whole lot of good RP unless you work in certain spaces like the Adonia News Network (shout out to them!).


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