Universal Menu - A customizable modular uniform menu framework [v2.4.2]

I haven’t tried this out yet but looks great. I was just wondering after looking at the wiki I’m still not sure I understand how to plug in the scorpion trainer module

Simply install any module as you would install a resource (drop it in the resources folder or a sub-folder for organization). Then, add start modulename to the server.cfg after the menu resource. That’s it!

Don’t you mean start instead of exec ? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Yes I do.

Second time you caught me.

Thanx scammer. I was under the impression that it was a module you add a line into the menu to get it to work. Good stuff

v2.1 released with more :bug: :boom: :boot: and submenu indicators!


Also pushed v2.1.1 with support for opening the menu with a controller (RB + DPAD Left by default, configurable).


Minor update v2.1.2 released. This one adds an (client and server) event menu:setup which gets triggered on first player spawn. Modules should create their menu content in this event, as that way once the menu is reloaded by an admin, modules will automatically add their content to the menu again once the player respawns.

The Scorpion Trainer module in the OP has already been updated to use this.

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v2.2 released!


* New API functions for greying out and setting a right text for items (view screenshot below)

* Ability to change the description's background and font color to your liking (view screenshot below)

* Now configuration and modules (which add menu stuff properly) will load after reloading the menu without having to respawn!

* Much refactoring and a whole load of squished bugs


Of course as always, please report back if you encounter any issues!

Edit: Update v2.2.1 adds menu:isMenuShown.

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v2.3 released with a new API function to remove stuff!

Make sure to check the wiki.

Edit: v2.3.1 made adding menu stuff dynamic.

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lov’in it

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Another quick version bump (v2.3.2), this time the behaviour of greyed out items has been changed (check check) and some critical bugs have been fixed. Also menu:goBackMenu added.

Apologize for the absolute update spamming today.

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update spam? more like greatness.

Quick bug, if you press backspace to close the menu you have to press the open menu button twice.

Hmm can’t reproduce, are you on the newest version?

Yeah, most likely me doing something wrong.

v2.3.3 released with three new API functions, menu:setOnOffState, menu:getOnOffState and menu:goToMainMenu.

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v2.3.4 fixes menu:setOnOffState not doing what it says

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v2.3.5 fixes adding menu items to root.

Thanks to @IceHax for discovering this one!

v2.4 fixes up even more stuff, changes the behaviour of menu:removeByID (Check) and now checks for updates on resource start.

As always, if you find some :bug: crawling around in the menu, don’t wait any longer and make sure to report it!

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v2.4.1 allows you to pass nil to menu:setDesc to remove the description.

Hopefully this is a step towards total :trophy: stability.

Also you should get a reminder in the server console the next time the menu resource is restarted.