Unable to destroy cam

I am trying to make a character selector. Therefore I am placing the ped in mid air with an overview of the city. I am using a cam for this, and when I try to move the character to the airport after he selected his character, nothing happens, even though I am using destroycam. Are there any tricky way I need to do this in order to restore back to the player’s normal camera?

Declared variables at the top + constructor

public int selectedChar;
        bool hideHud;
        int spawnCam;
        public Economy()
            API.RegisterCommand("setMoney", new Action<int, List<object>, string>(SetMoney), false); // Register a new command, and use the method SetMoney to run the code
            API.RegisterCommand("Test", new Action<int, List<object>, string>(Test), false);
            EventHandlers["SpawnCharacter"] += new Action<int>(SpawnCharacter); // this event spawns the character
            EventHandlers["playerSpawned"] += new Action<dynamic>(playerSpawned); // This event listens for when the player has finished loading and is ready to spawn in-game

Where I am creating the cam

private async void playerSpawned(object obj)
            spawnCam = API.CreateCamWithParams("DEFAULT_SCRIPTED_CAMERA", 75.34f, -66.33f, 
271.71f, -20, 0, 165, 80, false, 0); // Make a camera with coords xyz and rotate it -20 degrees on x, 0 on y, and 165 on z, make the FOV 80
            API.SetEntityHasGravity(Game.PlayerPed.Handle, false); // Disable the gravity for the player (so that he doesn't fall whilst standing mid air)
            API.SetEntityVisible(Game.PlayerPed.Handle, false, false); // Make the player invisible (since we just want a overview of the city with no visible ped)
            API.SetCamActive(spawnCam, true); // Set the created cam as active
            API.RenderScriptCams(true, false, 1, true, true); // Render the cam
            API.SetEntityInvincible(Game.PlayerPed.Handle, true); // Make the player unable to die
            API.SetEntityCoords(Game.PlayerPed.Handle, 75.34f, -66.33f, 271.71f, false, false, false, true); // Move the player up into the air with the camera (so that people talking around spawn wont be heard)
            hideHud = true; // Remove the hud containing the map and health bar
            while (hideHud) // Do a while loop
                API.HideHudAndRadarThisFrame(); // Use a native to hide the hud
                await Delay(0); // Wait

Where I wish to destroy the cam and go back to the player

private async void SpawnCharacter(int TempSelectedChar) // This method spawns the character and requires the id of the selected one from the character menu
            selectedChar = TempSelectedChar;
            await Delay(2000);
            API.SetCamActive(spawnCam, false);
            //API.DestroyCam(spawnCam, true); // Destroy the existing camera named spawnCam
            //API.RenderScriptCams(true, false, 1, true, true); // Render the cam
            API.SetEntityInvincible(Game.PlayerPed.Handle, false); // Make the player able to die
            API.SetEntityHasGravity(Game.PlayerPed.Handle, true); // Make gravity present to the player
            API.SetEntityVisible(Game.PlayerPed.Handle, true, false); // Make the player visible again
            API.SetEntityCoords(Game.PlayerPed.Handle, -1037.494f, -2737.36f, 19.79907f, false, false, false, true); // Move the player to the airport
            hideHud = false; // Get the hud back

I found the solution myself. Apparently I had to set API.RenderScriptCams to false in order for it to stop rendering the cams I suppose. Nevertheless here is the line that made it work as I wanted it to:

API.RenderScriptCams(false, false, 1, true, true); 
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Thank you soooo much spent way too much time trying to figure out this thing…