Uk valleys rp v2

UK Valley’s RP V2

We are a UK British based city, and we have just opened V2 which is a WHITELISTED. We invite you to come and have a look around you may find that UK Valleys RP V2 is a great fit for you to enjoy your journey in Fivem Roleplay.

We are a serious Fivem city but please do not let that put you off! We have a great deal to offer:

Our staff team are regularly active and willing to help.

We pride our self being E-Girl Friendly

We welcome Streamers

Good community

Lore friendly cars

Business available and we are willing to work with you so you can get the best out of your game play

You will start the city with £50k start up cash.

We have Valleys Police Hiring- please ask in city about these and we are happy to you.

We have Valley’s health service Hiring - please ask in city about these and we are happy to you.

If you are Gang and want to join our city, please put a ticket in and we are happy to you.

Legal Activities included in our city are -




-Bus job

-Garbage Job

-Taxi Job


There are many more to explore in the city…

Illegal Activities included in our city are -


-Boosting cars

-Black market

-Bank Robberies

-Shop Robberies

-House Robberies

-Bank Truck Robbery

-All Robberies linked

We have many more in city

Thanks for Reading hopefully we will see you in UK Valleys RP V2 soon

UKValleysRP V2

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Hello welcome to UKValleysRPV2 a British based WHITELISTED serious Fivem city. We are a new built city You may find that UKValleysRPV2 is a great fit for you to enjoy your journey in FiveM Roleplay.

What we have to offer:

-Very Active Staff
-E-Girl Friendly
-Streamer Friendly
-Good community
-Lore friendly cars
-Business available
-£50k start up cash

Valleys Police Hiring
-Chief of police
-All departments are hiring

Valley’s health service Hiring
-Assistant chief

-Gangs wanted
-Mechanics wanted
-Restaurant owners wanted

Legal Activities include -
-Fishing Mining
-Bus job
-Garbage Job
-Taxi Job
-Valleys Police
-Valleys Health Services
-Sanders Motorbike

Illegal Activities include -
-Black market
-Bank Robberies
-Shop Robberies
-House Robberies
-Bank Truck Robbery
-Plus more ALL Robberies linked