Tuna's Truck Job [FREE] [Power Grid Compatible] [ESX]

Updated; Thanks for bringing that to my attention :+1:

Another nice release Tuna :fire: :fire:


^^ corrected the download link; Thank you :slight_smile:

Dope and FREE! Thanks for the release to the community!


Great Script, thanks for release :wink:

One problem :
The menu did not auto close when we don’t choose a delivery and remain open.

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Glad you like it ! If you like the script; check out my power job if you havent already :slight_smile:

Thanks for the kind words !

I will look into it :slight_smile:

I love that power job. We’ve basically spliced it into our city worker job. So every job the city employee does, heals the grid a little.


Awsome ! Glad to hear you’re enjoying the script :heart: :fish:

v1.0.1 is now available :slight_smile:
→ Added exit menu option as well as some minor adjustments

please redownload the repository :heart:


woow fantastic work bro

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oh my gosh, i really love all of your works tuna ! ^^
I made a little “command” for the job.

Normally, when people die or truck gets destroyed (on every truckerjob), they need to relog to stop the job and remove the blip.

I create commands for the users to stop the job manually. So i did it here to. If someone wants to use it, here is the code (command is “stoptruck” (you can change that, i just have many stop commands, so i needed to use this xD)

Serverside (payment lua) - you can change the name of the event to your liking

RegisterCommand("stoptruck", function(source, args) 
TriggerClientEvent('gw:stoptruck', source)

Clientside: - you can change the notification to your needs, i use pnotfiy in case someone try to execute the command when he is not on a route. you can use the common ESX.Shownotification event too.

AddEventHandler('gw:stoptruck', function()
	  local p = PlayerPedId()
       local v = GetVehiclePedIsIn(p)
	if onJob then 
	onjob = false
	sC3 = nil
	onJob = false
	npcJob = false
	ccJob = false
	ccJob2 = false
	bcJob = false
	luxJob = false
	luxReturn = false
	pAnim = nil
	pCoords = nil
	xlJob = false
	lsB = false
	jobMenu = nil
 			TriggerEvent("pNotify:SendNotification", {
				text = "<h4 class='' style='margin:0;padding:0;'>Trucker</h4><div><br>Du fährst gerade keine route!</div>",
				type = "error",
				queue = "lmao",
				timeout = 3000,
				layout = "bottomCenter"

Greetings :slight_smile:

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Thank you very much for the kind words Soubisan !

I also really appreciate you sharing that ! Hope the rest of your day is a great one :fish: :slight_smile:

Thank you ! :heart: :fish:

noticed youll want to also include

armyJob = false
armyReturn = false

:fish: :heart:

havent had the chance to test this out; Ill let you know :slight_smile: Thanks again

So when you finish a delivery how do you change the clothes back to what we were wearing before?

that is something you would need to implement :slight_smile: whether players change back by clothing store; outfits etc… My personal preference is to leave the members in their work clothes until they go to a suitable place to change; However I have shared the code for others to improve and better fit their needs;

Thanks for checking out my work :fish::heart:

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Yeah since this doesnt require a job in the job center its more of an activity for me so I just disabled it, also what is the reason for this number when you deliver something?

The animation doesn’t work when signing off the order

Correction : Doesnt work with female characters

making changes to the ped event, or coordinates for the job sites will require changes in a few places; So test accordingly :heart: