Trying to get /me to work

/me is in, but it doesn’t seem to work. I’m not sure why, but it goes through as regular chat.

I have client.lua and __resource.lua in my /me resource folder.

Link the original post please.

Not sure what you mean by linking the original post. A friend made it for me but it’s not going through as a command.

The pastebin is right there… You’re not being very helpful…

ok. but what is the general purpose of the script?

The issue is in your TriggerClientEvent line. You’re providing a player name with GetPlayerName(source), but if you leave this empty like "" then the colon : in the chat box will be omitted. That way you can implement /me.

local test = "/me is writing code."
TriggerClientEvent( "chatMessage", -1, "", {0,0,0}, GetPlayerName(source) .. " " .. string.gsub(test, "/me ", "") )

-- Output: MsQuerade is writing code.

I guess the command is going through but nothing pops up on chat. I tried using it with and without the Command Processor. It gives me the same result.

try my script that a guy helped me make on here

Quick question. Is EssentialMode required? I don’t use it on my server.

yes. it will not work without essential mode.
We got it to work. Try looking at @SPJESTER 's script and see what you’re doing wrong.