Trying to create a mainmenu interface

Hello everyone!

I’m trying to create a main menu kind of interface when a player steps into a particular marker.
It’ll display a live view of a particular area of the server (players and all) and would also despawn the player until they press esc or something to exit to exit the menu.

Does anyone know if something like this is possible?
Please let me know!

Yes it’s possible.

Hmmm - I’m trying to despawn the player, but am having a hard time finding natives related to spawning / despawning players…Any advice on where I can get started? I’m not looking for an answer, but a simple nudge in the right direction would help!
Thanks !

For reference, think of going into a garage / apartment in multiplayer…

Similar to that…

Use this for the Spawn: SetEntityCoords - FiveM Natives @ Docs [Client]

And maybe this for another dimension: SetEntityRoutingBucket - FiveM Natives @ Docs [Server]

Thanks bud! I’ll take a look at these shortly!
