Trouble with opening bossmenu employee list on script policejob

Hello, my problem is that cmd show me that error:

e[91mSCRIPT ERROR: @esx_society/server/main.lua:182: attempt to index a nil value (field ‘?’)e[0m

e[93m> refe[0m (e[36m@esx_society/server/main.luae[0m:182)
e[93m> e[0m (e[36m@mysql-async/mysql-async.jse[0m:5138)

182 line is grade_name = Jobs[results[i].job].grades[tostring(results[i].job_grade)].name,

how to fix it ? Amublance job works great, but in policejob i cant just open that employe list

mismatch of ranks in config.lua and database ?

Thanks for response

it maybe could be… but…
i did something and now its

[91mSCRIPT ERROR: @esx_society/server/main.lua:230: attempt to index a nil value (field ‘?’)e[0m
e[93m> refe[0m (e[36m@esx_society/server/main.luae[0m:230)
e[93m> e[0m (e[36m@mysql-async/mysql-async.jse[0m:5138)

this is code, its brand from @esx_society

different @esx_society “versions” gives different errors
there’s one
e[91mSCRIPT ERROR: @esx_society/server/main.lua:179: attempt to concatenate a nil valu

e[93m> TriggerServerCallbacke[0m (e[36m@es_extended/server/functions.luae[0m:33)
e[93m> handlere[0m (e[36m@es_extended/server/common.luae[0m:88)
there’s second
e[91mSCRIPT ERROR: @esx_society/server/main.lua:117: attempt to index a nil value (field ‘?’)e[0m

e[93m> refe[0m (e[36m@esx_society/server/main.luae[0m:117)
e[93m> e[0m (e[36m@mysql-async/mysql-async.jse[0m:15916
there’s third
e[91mSCRIPT ERROR: @esx_society/server/main.lua:208: attempt to index a nil value (field ‘?’)e[0m

e[93m> refe[0m (e[36m@esx_society/server/main.luae[0m:208)
e[93m> e[0m (e[36m@mysql-async/mysql-async.jse[0m:15916

Now i’m back to this 1st one when script goes to line 230 and then got error

I’v checked all grades and i can’t find any different in scripts, chagned it several times it’s not helping

Still i didn’t figured out what is wrong…

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