Thinking of making a server

Hi! My name is SlimsNotHere and I am thinking of starting my own server. Not that cookie cutter crap though, like my own custom server, with it’s own uniqueness. However, I am disabled and only get $100 a month and cannot go higher because of health reasons tied to financial reasons. Is it still worth it for me to try? It’s going to be 3-4 years in development, maybe longer.

Sky’s the limit, but the financial aspect may be tight - a good server host will easily take half of the sum you mentioned, if not more.


Honestly, I say go 4 it. A lot of things in a person’s life can change within 3-4 years. However, it’s important that you create a goal and stick to it. Things will change, but you should be making steady overall progress to your goal…if it’s meant to be, things will start falling in place…beit from teammembers that want to help, or your overall life situation just changing in general.

Good luck, and hope to see you asking questions! :smiley:

I guess the worse that can happen is a fail, and even then I got the experience

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