The REAL Truth

I spent over a year of my life on this server, working up and putting my name out there as an Alien named Jimmy. I worked really hard in this city becoming a lawyer for the criminals and for the police. As well as working as an EMS and one fatal day, I was caught robbing a local’s house in search for mushrooms. And instantly lost all of my licenses for guns my bar certification (to be a lawyer) and my job as EMS. It truely made me so upset to know that all I have done in this city in help out and give people the best RP I could, and I commit one crime A SMALL CRIME at that. My first offense and I lose everything I had worked for. It’s not fair at all, and in the skeme of RP life isn’t fair, but in the skeme of realism, that shouldn’t of happened I was one of if not the ONLY lawyer in the city who came every day and helped people with their problems in city including the law. As well as helping people come back from the dead as an EMS worker. I’m not bitter or upset at the police officer who arrested me I understand he has to do his job. I am bitter and upset at the fact I wasn’t given a second chance at all. Even after making my name publically known in the city as a lawyer and as an EMS. I don’t think I’ll be flying into this city again. As honestly at this point it felt like a waste of time.


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