The Contract Infos - Build 2545

Cheers mate! :clinking_glasses:

Anyone having issues with Tuner DLC cars crashing when spawning on 2545? In this case the Cypher

It stops if i stop running a custom handling file. Error is always “oklahoma-tennessee-speaker”

Well there’s your problem then. I’m on 2545 and don’t have issues with this vehicle.

Might be the handling mod you’re using, did it include a vehicles, carcols, and carvariations metas?

Issue was i removed advanced handling from the Cypher, seems R* added some kind of detection, putting them back resolved the crash

Hello all :wave:

Not sure if it was posted already, but all cars use the same weapon hash for the machine gun:


You can use the following code to disable the gun when a player enters one of the Contract vehicles (Buffalo4, Champion, Deity, Granger2, Jubilee or Patriot3):

DisableVehicleWeapon(true, GetHashKey('VEHICLE_WEAPON_GRANGER2_MG'), vehicleid, PlayerPedId())
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Probably better off to just blacklist the weaponized vehicles and / or replace them with mods that removed the weaponize aspects of them.

Thank you!
Linked your post in the main topic. :smiley:

A lot of vehicle have weapons but could still be used.
For example the viseris has a custom which adds machine guns. So if the custom is not enabled, the vehicle can still be used, and if the weapon is disabled using DisableVehicleWeapon, then even with the custom, the MG cannot be used.

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so i have seen so many posts about ipls now and even the main post has many parts regarding the ipl but what do i need to load now to enable the IPLs added by the “The Contract” dlc?

You need to download bob74_ipl, it is a script that enables these IPLs and entitysets, and you can configure them how you like.

However you will need something that allows you to teleport to them:

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i ended up finding them in bob74_ipl even tho its not all of them (didnt includee the yacht) on the name “dlc_security” idk why security but its there

Because not everything has been decrypted and discovered.

Map not load

Download latest recommended artifacts for Windows or for Linux

This isn’t something FiveM can increase, however you can use latest gamebuild and enjoy 20 YMTs, just make them reasonably sized.

If you’re looking for informations about The Criminal Enterprises Update, feel free to take a look at the topic created by @0xLuca.


same is happening to me with the latest artifacts

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can anyone know how to remove celltowa motel collision? ty in advanced

Can someone help me with this house what was done with the contract because things are overlapping and I tried everything to start the server without mlos because I thought that there was an mlo but without success and I also tried to remove the MLO been nothing.