he cant find wtf_ev
Config.VehicleNames = {“teslax”, “yourcar”}
I would recommend you to use the latest version: https://github.com/Boostvolt/tesla_ev. And the corresponding extensions that are linked in the readme.
How could this be used with this map?
First off all amazing work!
But I got a problem with the TeslaSupercharger. I’ve added the .ymap but only the lower part (grey part) of the charger is static (see video I send). Maybe you know how to fix that the white/red part is static to?
can add more than 2 cars??? i set 5 cars but can use only the first and last one…
Hello, anyone can tell me how to add other vehicles than tesla? like audi etron or something to this script? I added but is not working
Look at my solution:
Other Electric Vehicles · Issue #10 · Playlolly/playlolly_tesla_ev (github.com)
is the same name but is not work
Charging is not working for me. I drive to the chargstation and there I do the animation and when I go again inside the car its not loaded.
This is a bug for all of the tesla vehicles. The bug is with every car of it.
Hello did this get sorted
I couldnt get this to work, the super chargers are showing up on the map, but the hud, charging, etc. doesnt work