Suspicious Key Press Webhook

I’ve been looking all over the internet for a webhook script that lets me track the keys pressed by a certain player, so I can track the most used keys in modding clients. I can’t find any so if someone could link me one, or help me out to make one I’d really appreciate it. An example of what i’m looking for

Seems like a wrong way to detect for modding clients, a user can also have keys binded to commands or convars which can trigger false positives.

I suggest you check

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Yes I know, I already have a logger that detects weapons fired to see if someones firing modded weapons, I also have logs to see the chat and connection and disconnection. This is for a Gang RP server, so most mod clients are the same with these type, and they use around the same key to open “insert” “home” “F8” and they’re unchangeable. Basically, I have other ways to detect modders and this is just another way to do so.