Suku_Nitro [Better Than Before]

suku_nitro is a resource that adds two items:
a nitrocannister and a wrench. When standing near the engine of a vehicle(mostly in the front, unless for example the vehicle is a t20 which is located in the back) and use the a nitrocannister, you will begin installing nitro onto your vehicle. Now depending if this is a local vehicle or actually player owned vehicle it will either store them on the server or in the database. Which means nitro is synched. Press Shift while you’re in a vehicle to activate the nitro.

To uninstall nitro, go to the engine like you did when you were installing the nitro. You will need a wrench for this to work, use the wrench and if you get unlucky you might cut the wrong tube and damage the engine itself. Either way nitro will be uninstalled.

mythic_notify - [Dev-Resource] Mythic Notifications (unless you remove/change the mentions in the resource yourself to fit your notification system)
progressBars - [RELEASE] Progress Bars 1.0 [STANDALONE]


Added missing items into the sql.
If you had not before, add these items!

INSERT INTO items ( name , label , weight , rare , can_remove ) VALUES
(‘nitrocannister’, ‘Noss’, 1, 0, 1),
(‘wrench’, ‘Wrench’, 1, 0, 1);


ммм… no E button

According to the code its in LEFSHIT…

on the video, the installation starts from the E button

oh I thought you meant by using nitro, for installation you need nitrocannister

I added nitro to the database, but I can’t even see in the code where to activate the installation? the key and nitro are in inventory

when you get to the engine bay, open your inventory and use nitrocannister to install, wrench to uninstall.
Left shift to use the nitro while driving.

Server.lua // line 145/151

ESX.RegisterUsableItem(‘nitrocannister’, function(source)
TriggerClientEvent(‘suku:AddInstallNitro’, source)

ESX.RegisterUsableItem(‘wrench’, function(source)
TriggerClientEvent(‘suku:RemoveUninstallNitro’, source)

U need use items close the car…

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add nitrocannister as an item in db
and wrench

i have a weird problem i get froze in one spot with a error saying dohudtext something not possible with mystic

easy fix replace

exports[‘mythic_notify’]:dohudtext(‘inform’, ‘Nitro has been installed!’)


exports[‘mythic_notify’]:SendAlert(‘inform’, ‘Nitro has been installed!’)


I tried to use both elements, nothing happens, today I’ll try to figure it out.

u did try add items in BD?

INSERT INTO items (name, label, weight, rare, can_remove, price) VALUES
(‘nitrocannister’, ‘Nitro’, 1, 0, 1, 0),
(‘wrench’, ‘Wrench’, 1, 0, 1, 0);

does this still spam a no entity error?

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is this in the current version?

yes it is

working perfect no problems

I’ll see if I can fix it, im not sure it even popped up for me though.

last versino spammed a no entity error in f8 console now it shows in the cmd box but its stills links to a line in the code looking for an entity at line 37

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