Streaming Global.gxt2

Can you send a sample on how to do it? @sadboilogan

AddTextEntry('labelname', 'customname') or so

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anything else needed in the script? @sadboilogan

-- put the text entry lines in here

that’s the client part you need

on labelname do I put the hash or the text?

the actual name of the label you want to override. Not the hash.

So for example in 0x000E7C17 = Parachute dangerously. I would put Parachute dangerously.?

No, you can’t override those. You actually need a label name for those. So only ones with label names like PSM_RTIME = Recent Time will be able to be overwritten (PSM_RTIME).

So that would mean it’s not possible to change street names?

if they don’t have a name, and only the hash is known, then no you can’t because you don’t know what the name of the label is that the game uses.

Do you have some kind of list for every name for the label?

Yes, there are some lists online. Just look for “GTA V labels list” and you’ll find it.


you can just use this:

No, won’t work. At least, in my testing it didn’t work as the game uses it by its real name, and if you don’t know the name, you can’t override the correct one… though not sure if it was that code or if it really doesn’t work…

You can use a hash collider or whatever its called to use them iirc (see Using Labels!)

There is no need for that, IT DOES WORK with the native.

For example I am using this street label

0x983A7D65 = West Eclipse Blvd

And after using this piece of code:
AddTextEntryByHash(0x983A7D65, 'Anything to prove it is working')


Well, must’ve been something wrong with the script I used before then :confused: :thinking:

I don’t understand what i have to do for changing the streetnames.

To change this to Weberstraße:

Hi guys, someone know the hash for the bank or cash in the pause menu please?

How did you get the hash of the street?