Stream cloned ped to PauseMenu

I’m developing an inventory system for my roleplay server and I would like to clone the player ped so it shows in the inventory itself.

I’ve already made some progress with two simple natives, something like this:

ActivateFrontendMenu(GetHashKey("FE_MENU_VERSION_EMPTY_NO_BACKGROUND"), false, -1)
ClonedPed = ClonePed(PlayerPedId(), heading, true, false)
GivePedToPauseMenu(ClonedPed, 2)

But there are still two problems I can’t really figure out how to solve them:

  • Can’t really move the ped as I wish;
  • It displays a weird background that I can’t really remove.

(the weird background only start showing after GivePedToPauseMenu() )

If someone has already worked with this, please let me know. Thank you!


any news?

Hi Use it to remove the background that you are having trouble
ReplaceHudColourWithRgba(117, 0, 0, 0, 0)

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to change the position changes the value in the native GivePedToPauseMenu(yourclonnedped,value)

Hi everyone !

The replace of HUD Color is ok ! Thx @noky6044 ! :smiley:


I cannot move the Ped when the ClonePed is display on and i’ve see on your screenshot you have successfully to moov the ClonePed, can you tell me we how do for moov the ClonePed on the Screen when he are display??

you can’t really move it or you only want to change the index in the native GivePedToPauseMenu it seems to me perhaps that there have been new ones but in any case that was the case before!