Stop modders?

Hello everybody!

I have disabled Scripthook server-side. I believe that stops modders from loading mod menus but for some reason they keeps coming into the server and spawning like 15000 big ass jets. I thought disabling script hook would fix this?

any help/suggestions?

Do you have any server side trainer such as Mello Trainer? It is possible that they are using an injected trainer which if they keep using they will eventually get banned from FiveM, or they could be using a Lua injector which will allow them to exploit things like Mello Trainer’s vehicle spawning events.

Yes I am using Mello Trainer. I should have mentioned that in the original post sorry about that. How would I go about fixing this? Also this guy was trying to obtain my server configuration. It said it chat “Name disconnected (Failed to obtain server config (ip of server))”

Just an fyi your server “config” at least the scripts you are running is available from the server list and your server ip is also publicly available neither of which is difficult to obtain

This may help you I was unable to get it to work properly on mello but I’m dumb so that may be the issue not the resource Resource scrambler - Randomize all custom resource events [Anti lua-injector]

That “failed to obtain server config” could just be a bug I don’t believe there is currently any way to steal a servers config file however as for the mellow trainer I can’t see how they are activating the vehspawn NUI callback if they are they’d need to activate that event and send it a table such as data.action = "adder" that would allow them to spawn a car. Personally the only thing I think you could do is to change the event name. Now it is possible but that event name is in so many places that you would have to make sure you put them all in otherwise it will not work at all. Now it’s possible because I just tried it on mine but it takes a while (Hence why this reply took me so long) but that is the only thing I think could be affecting this :frowning: unless you have some other script that has a spawn vehicle event in it?

Nope, this is the only vehicle spawning script.

Ok so you need to change 3 files, trainer.html, cl_vehicles.lua and trainer.js, everywhere where it says vehspawn change it to something else but they all have to be the same. Make it unique and don’t tell anyone. That is your best bet at removing this exploit.

Hope this helps,

Lewis (Neco)

That won’t really help since you can decrypt client side files and look at the new names. I don’t know what the code of mellotrainer looks like but simply adding a delay to spawning vehicles should help.

Decrypting the client side files is a lot harder now, shouldn’t be a problem if the hacker is some little script kiddie that’s downloaded the newest FiveM hack from UnknownCheats

The biggest problem is, that the development (it seams so) do not understand how the lua injector works.

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Which ‘development’? Maybe enlighten said ‘development’, Mr. “I’m so smart and will bump a topic over a year old for some reason”.

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