Steam rejected authentication: Invalid parameter

Any server that requires steam to be running in the background gives me this error when I try to join. Even if it isn’t full.
I’ve searched constantly and tried a bunch of things to try and fix it and nothing has worked.

If someone on here can help that would be great.

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If it requires steam to be running you most likely have to be on that servers whitelist

The server I’m trying to join isn’t whitelisted.

I have the same issue except the server I’m trying to join has a whitelist and i am already on the list

I am also having this same problem when trying to join a couple servers.

Close FiveReborn completly, restart Steam and router and then try again.

I have done all of that multiple times, still the same error

BUMP. Just typing this sentence because of minimum character count

has anyone figured this out yet? This is screwing me bad