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A visa system for a FiveM server!
This system is completely standalone.
Visum System offers you:
You can call up your playing time and set your own command for it.
You can set as many Visum levels as you need.
There is an export for your level to include in your interface.
You can integrate it into a Notify system
This system is there to integrate certain systems, e.g If you have reached a Visum level you can get a boat license or something similar.
This (Discord) Logs Works:
Name Logging
Steam Logging
License Logging
Xbox LiveID Logging
DiscordID Logging
FiveMID Logging
License2 Logging
IP Logging
Client Config
Config = {}
-- Language to use
Config.Locale = 'de'
-- Updating Delay for updating the Database (UpdateVisum)
Config.VisumDelay = 15000
-- Client-Side Command for a player to check their playtime (put this to nil to disable them)
Config.PlaytimeCommand = 'playtime'
-- Client-Side Command for a player to check their visum step (put this to nil to disable them)
Config.VisumCommand = 'visum'
-- Method to use for formatting seconds to a readable string
function SecondsToClock(seconds)
local seconds = tonumber(seconds)
if seconds <= 0 then
return "00:00:00:00"
days = string.format("%02.f", math.floor(seconds / 86400))
hours = string.format("%02.f", math.floor(math.fmod(seconds, 86400) / 3600))
mins = string.format("%02.f", math.floor(math.fmod(seconds, 3600) / 60))
secs = string.format("%02.f", math.floor(math.fmod(seconds, 60)))
return days .. " Days " .. hours .." Hours ".. mins .." Minutes and ".. secs .. " Seconds"
-- Method to use for notifications (Server-Side)
-- IMPORTANT: DO NOT CHANGE THE METHODS NAME LEAVE IT AS 'sendServerNotification(source, message)'
-- Example: TriggerClientEvent('esx:showNotification', source, message)
function sendServerNotification(source, message)
TriggerClientEvent('esx:showNotification', source, message)
-- Visum Steps (From Highest to lowest)
Config.Visums = {
time = 1155600, -- Time required for this Visum Step to be aquired in seconds
visum = 30 -- Visum Step
time = 1047600,
visum = 29
time = 957600,
visum = 28
time = 885600,
visum = 27
time = 831600,
visum = 26
time = 777600,
visum = 25
time = 723600,
visum = 24
time = 669600,
visum = 23
time = 615600,
visum = 22
time = 561600,
visum = 21
time = 507600,
visum = 20
time = 471600,
visum = 19
time = 435600,
visum = 18
time = 399600,
visum = 17
time = 363600,
visum = 16
time = 327600,
visum = 15
time = 291600,
visum = 14
time = 255600,
visum = 13
time = 219600,
visum = 12
time = 183600,
visum = 11
time = 147600,
visum = 10
time = 111600,
visum = 9
time = 82800,
visum = 8
time = 61200,
visum = 7
time = 43200,
visum = 6
time = 28800,
visum = 5
time = 18000,
visum = 4
time = 10800,
visum = 3
time = 7200,
visum = 2
time = 3600,
visum = 1
Server Config
Server Configuration
ServerConfig = {}
-- Discord Logging
ServerConfig.WebhookLogging = false
-- Discord Webhooks
ServerConfig.Webhooks = {
VisumUp = ''
-- What Identifiers should be posted inside the log embed on Discord.
ServerConfig.IdentifiersLogging = {
name = true,
steam = true,
license = true,
xbl = true,
live = true,
discord = true,
fivem = true,
license2 = true,
ip = true
Code is accessible | No |
Subscription-based | No |
Lines (approximately) | 200~ |
Requirements | OX-Mysql or MySQL Async |
Support | Yes |