[STANDALONE] Visum System | Visa System | High adjustability

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A visa system for a FiveM server!
This system is completely standalone.

Visum System offers you:
- You can call up your playing time and set your own command for it.
- You can set as many Visum levels as you need.
- There is an export for your level to include in your interface.
- You can integrate it into a Notify system
- This system is there to integrate certain systems, e.g If you have reached a Visum level you can get a boat license or something similar.

This (Discord) Logs Works:

- Name Logging
- Steam Logging
- License Logging
- Xbox LiveID Logging
- DiscordID Logging
- FiveMID Logging
- License2 Logging
- IP Logging

Client Config
Config = {}

-- Language to use
Config.Locale = 'de'

-- Updating Delay for updating the Database (UpdateVisum)
Config.VisumDelay = 15000

-- Client-Side Command for a player to check their playtime (put this to nil to disable them)
Config.PlaytimeCommand = 'playtime'

-- Client-Side Command for a player to check their visum step (put this to nil to disable them)
Config.VisumCommand = 'visum'

-- Method to use for formatting seconds to a readable string
function SecondsToClock(seconds)
    local seconds = tonumber(seconds)

    if seconds <= 0 then
        return "00:00:00:00"
        days = string.format("%02.f", math.floor(seconds / 86400))
        hours = string.format("%02.f", math.floor(math.fmod(seconds, 86400) / 3600))
        mins = string.format("%02.f", math.floor(math.fmod(seconds, 3600) / 60))
        secs = string.format("%02.f", math.floor(math.fmod(seconds, 60)))
        return days .. " Days " .. hours .." Hours ".. mins .." Minutes and ".. secs .. " Seconds"

-- Method to use for notifications (Server-Side)
-- IMPORTANT: DO NOT CHANGE THE METHODS NAME LEAVE IT AS 'sendServerNotification(source, message)'
-- Example: TriggerClientEvent('esx:showNotification', source, message)
function sendServerNotification(source, message)
    TriggerClientEvent('esx:showNotification', source, message)

-- Visum Steps (From Highest to lowest)
Config.Visums = {
        time = 1155600, -- Time required for this Visum Step to be aquired in seconds
        visum = 30 -- Visum Step
        time = 1047600,
        visum = 29
        time = 957600,
        visum = 28
        time = 885600,
        visum = 27
        time = 831600,
        visum = 26
        time = 777600,
        visum = 25
        time = 723600,
        visum = 24
        time = 669600,
        visum = 23
        time = 615600,
        visum = 22
        time = 561600,
        visum = 21
        time = 507600,
        visum = 20
        time = 471600,
        visum = 19
        time = 435600,
        visum = 18
        time = 399600,
        visum = 17
        time = 363600,
        visum = 16
        time = 327600,
        visum = 15
        time = 291600,
        visum = 14
        time = 255600,
        visum = 13
        time = 219600,
        visum = 12
        time = 183600,
        visum = 11
        time = 147600,
        visum = 10
        time = 111600,
        visum = 9
        time = 82800,
        visum = 8
        time = 61200,
        visum = 7
        time = 43200,
        visum = 6
        time = 28800,
        visum = 5
        time = 18000,
        visum = 4
        time = 10800,
        visum = 3
        time = 7200,
        visum = 2
        time = 3600,
        visum = 1
Server Config
    Server Configuration

ServerConfig = {}

-- Discord Logging
ServerConfig.WebhookLogging = false

-- Discord Webhooks
ServerConfig.Webhooks = {
    VisumUp = ''

-- What Identifiers should be posted inside the log embed on Discord.
ServerConfig.IdentifiersLogging = {
    name = true,
    steam = true,
    license = true,
    xbl = true,
    live = true,
    discord = true,
    fivem = true,
    license2 = true,
    ip = true
Code is accessible No
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 200~
Requirements OX-Mysql or MySQL Async
Support Yes
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