[Standalone] Spawn Point Selector

Same problem :expressionless:

" Si ya tiene un personaje creado , el menú funciona perfectamente.

Pero si NO tiene un personaje creado , se superpondrá con ESX_Identity (menú de creación de personajes) " @bluebox.alpiso @Hellsing_kortben

I have a problem with the box corner, not tracking the position.

can u elaborate plz…about how to make the spawn point selector come after we make a character

Hey can someone send me the specific code I need to add and where to get a availible spawn location to be the last one you were at before you left the server. Thank you a lot

is there a way to add private spawn locations so you unlock more roles if you have set permission so for me I use esx is there a way for police job to unlock other spawn locations and the same for NHS and so on

How do make the character spawn at its last location? I allready made a button for it, and set the rights id in the script. But i dont now how to make him spawn at hes current location.

doesent work correclty… -_-

wait for the event and trigger it after

you would need an SQL/dB to save the last location to, ESX has that built in so you could take a look at its code

save it to a dB and call for it, save their license too and make a script that pulls from the dB and adds it to the spawn selector

Hello, i can’t get this script to work, can anyone help me?

i added it to resources, ensured it & i have native ui installed.

hi, i am currently trying to put this in a server, the menu comes up but it does let the places i put in the lua load up and it wont show some of the spawn pints either then when you press spawn it doesn’t load in and sometimes it will spawn at a random place can anyone help with this?
thanks any help is appreciated.

Hey when i join the firt time i cant select a spawnlocation because the esx_identity is in front of it any help?