[STANDALONE] Sit Anywhere

Not yet, I’m reworking the whole script for those kinds of situations, but it might take a while (I will DM you once it’s released)

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Love this script but is there a way to disable sitting on the ground?

can you show me or say me the resmon when Idle and running

:+1: :+1:

ok sounds very nice 1 more question is it really possible to sit anywhere and is it possible to add more sitting locations

Sitting location are dynamic. What I mean by that is that everything that look like a chair/bench/ledge, you will be able to sit on it

Saw this mentioned a few months back but any update for disabling the ground-sit animations?

I did a quick hotfix for this a couple days ago, since I totally forgot about it, so yes you can disable certain types of scenarios x)

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Do you have maybe discord for costumers??

and 1 problem that i found is that the animation are not synced for all players

i send you pm

You can check the YouTube video description for the discord :+1:

And yes scenarios can sometimes not be synced, I can’t do nothing much about it unfortunately since it cannot be fixed on my side…

why you dont put this information on information about that

What does it mean in this case, when it isn’t synced. What doesn’t sync?

Scenarios can be a bit tricky. Within one scenario, you can encounter multiple animations.
For instance, the scenario PROP_HUMAN_SEAT_CHAIR includes several animations where the player might hold a drink or a burger, and these can occasionally be out of sync. Regrettably, I’m not sure how to synchronize scenarios or let players choose. So, I’ve recently decided to rework the entire script to rely solely on animations rather than scenarios, but I have no ETA on release yet :+1:

Will that be a separate script or a free update for any current “owners” of it?

I haven’t made up my mind yet, but if it’s a different script, previous owners will certainly receive a substantial discount :smile:

is there a way to add a function to where you can press a keybind to rotate your direction on a seated surface? for instance on some chairs when you walk up to them and sit it puts you sitting backwards or to the side. being able to rotate your orientation would be a huge bonus

What can i say ?
Good scripts, support and fast <3

nice release,soon gonna buy!