[STANDALONE] Qubit's Soundtrack System

Qubit’s Soundtrack

Elevate Your FiveM Experience with Immersive In-Game Soundtrack
This soundtrack system is inspired by Death Stranding Soundtrack System

What is Qubit Soundtrack?
Enhancing your gameplay by dynamically syncing atmospheric soundtrack with your in-game actions.

How Does It Work?
Qubit Soundtrack operates on a unique system that divides the entire map into five distinct sections, each comprising specific areas. The soundtracks are meticulously curated to align with these regions. The entry seconds and emergence durations of the soundtracks are entirely dynamic, allowing for customizable adjustments. enhances and personalizes your gaming experience, ensuring that every second of gameplay is perfectly complemented by a thoughtfully selected soundtrack

🎉 Full Features

:sparkles: 0.01 Resmon value

:sparkles: Supported All Frameworks

:sparkles: Well Documented

:sparkles: Very Easy Configureable

:sparkles: Synced Playing Other Players in vehicle

:sparkles: You can add unlimited soundtrack for any area

:sparkles: All soundtrack playing random selection

:sparkles: Soundtrack volume is connected the vehicle speed

:sparkles: Soundtrack starting by target car speed and specific time range

:sparkles: 7/24 Ticket Support with any questions



NOTE: This script is fully escrowed for protection.

📸 Video Preview

🍀 My Other Releases:

Youtube Copyright Disclaimer:

Music is played via iframe ( xSound Libary ) When you add copyrighted music, it is your responsibility. A streamers playing on your server may be affected by this. A separate section for streamers mode will come in the future

🤠 Config Example :

Code is accessible No ( Config Only )
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 500+
Requirements QB / ESX Framework, xSound
Support Yes

Very cool :clap:


Does the player still have the option to use the radio station wheel? If yes, how can the player re-enable dynamic soundtrack selection to avoid conflicts in sound overlay?
Thank you in advance for your response :heart:.


There will be a conflict right now, I didn’t think about it because many servers do not use native radio, but what you said makes sense, I will make this update tonight, I will provide support for custom and native radio enable/disable event, thank you very much :gift_heart:


nice feature! definitely not something i see a lot.

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Version 1.1 Updated

  • Soundtrack Disable/Enable Export Added
  • Option added to disable the soundtrack when the car radio is on.
  • Standalone version added


Hello, you can hear it if you’re not in the car, right?

Hello, vehicle outside events disabled at this time, shooting trigger soundtracks and walking actions will come as updates in the future.

Thank you for the update! Could you please clarify if the music is synchronized between players, and if the music is audible outside of vehicel, functioning like default radio?

all soundtrack is sync with other players in the vehicle, however, it cannot be heard from outside the vehicle. Unfortunately, this is not a radio script, so playing it outside the vehicle would be against the principle of script, thank you for suggestion :four_leaf_clover:

If the player cannot access youtube, can they use a local audio file or mp3 type link?

It is not currently available, but if you need something like this, we can provide an update for xSound to enable playing .ogg files locally

Thank you, I need it because I am in China and all players here cannot access YouTube

I’ll release an update for you this weekend so you can play audio local soruce :gift_heart:

Sorry for delay @Xuanxuan_Chen
We discovered a major issue in one of our scripts and dedicated two weeks to it; local support will be provided within this week.

I understand, thank you

Hello, I apologize for the huge delay. Unfortunately, due to numerous issues with our new product and the fact that I’m working alone, it has been significantly delayed. Local sound support has been added, and you can now use version 1.1.0

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