[Standalone] [Paid] Sit Anywhere

The script does work without a 3rd eye script indeed.

That mostly has to do with how the emote scripts work. They call the ClearPedTasks native, which not only cancels the emote, but also any other task the player ped is doing (the solution being them using StopEntityAnim or something instead). So sadly I can’t do much about it :face_with_diagonal_mouth:

I don’t know any Spanish, but I’ll base my answer on what google translate claims you said.

I will be including more sitting locations from other creators in the next update, and for new Gabz MLO’s when/if they release more.

But due to time constraints, I can’t add the models from every creator out there, so most likely you’ll have to do some yourself. You can read this mini-“guide” here on how to do it yourself.

What do you mean by it not reading them? They are included in my list, but I’ve yet to release the newest version, so they might not be out yet.

If it’s an issue of them not working, then it might have to do with the flags on the props.

how did you get the sofa working

You seach for the prop in codewalker, once it pops up right click it and select open file location. Once you do that find the ytyp for that prop will be in the file location you opened for said prop. Open the ytyp and copy the data info for the prop. Once you copy it past it into any open source resource ytyp you have within your city. Change the flag to this flag 537002016 in the ytyp its dynamic static and works with props to make them sit-able including toilets

Okay i made it using ox drawtext love it

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How can I get the hash value of the furniture in the mod I bought?

You can use ox_target (in debug mode), dolu_tool, vMenu (Misc Settings->Developer Tools->Show Prop Dimensions + Show Entity Models) or something like koil-debug.

There are essentially an endless amount of tools to use, just find one that you find easy to work with.

Polyzones for Dipzzy Salieris Bar MLO

Add this to your config.lua:

Config.PresetLocations.salieris_bar = true

And this to the PolyZones table in your list.lua:

['salieris_bar'] = {
        enabled = Config.PresetLocations.salieris_bar,
        center = vector3(322.47, -1092.49, 29.38),
        radius = 45.0,
        debug = false,
        polys = {
            ['dinner_bench_1a'] = {
                sit = {
                    type = 'chair',
                    seats = {
                        [1] = vector4(317.5026, -1098.1543, 28.8563, 0),
                        [2] = vector4(318.4726, -1098.1278, 28.8577, 0)
                    teleportIn = true,
                    teleportOut = true,
                lay = {
                    type = 'layside_reverse',
                    seats = {
                        [1] = vector4(317.95, -1098.00, 28.9512, 180),
                    teleportIn = true,
                poly = {
                    center = vector3(317.95, -1098.19, 28.8),
                    length = 1.1, 
                    width = 2.1, 
                    height = 1.6,
                    heading = 0
            ['dinner_bench_1b'] = {
                sit = {
                    type = 'chair',
                    seats = {
                        [1] = vector4(318.3802, -1094.8990, 28.8498, 180),
                        [2] = vector4(317.5748, -1094.9001, 28.8500, 180)
                    teleportIn = true,
                    teleportOut = true,
                lay = {
                    type = 'layside_reverse',
                    seats = {
                        [1] = vector4(317.95, -1094.8019, 28.9512, 180),
                    teleportIn = true,
                poly = {
                    center = vector3(317.95, -1094.7519, 28.8512),
                    length = 1.1, 
                    width = 2.1, 
                    height = 1.6,
                    heading = 180
            ['dinner_bench_2a'] = {
                sit = {
                    type = 'chair',
                    seats = {
                        [1] = vector4(317.5026, -1090.7751, 28.8563, 0),
                        [2] = vector4(318.4726, -1090.7751, 28.8577, 0)
                    teleportIn = true,
                    teleportOut = true,
                lay = {
                    type = 'layside_reverse',
                    seats = {
                        [1] = vector4(317.95, -1090.6751, 28.9512, 180),
                    teleportIn = true,
                poly = {
                    center = vector3(317.95, -1090.8751, 28.8),
                    length = 1.1, 
                    width = 2.1, 
                    height = 1.6,
                    heading = 0
            ['dinner_bench_2b'] = {
                sit = {
                    type = 'chair',
                    seats = {
                        [1] = vector4(318.3802, -1087.4641, 28.8498, 180),
                        [2] = vector4(317.5748, -1087.4641, 28.8500, 180)
                    teleportIn = true,
                    teleportOut = true,
                lay = {
                    type = 'layside_reverse',
                    seats = {
                        [1] = vector4(317.95, -1087.4641, 28.9512, 180),
                    teleportIn = true,
                poly = {
                    center = vector3(317.95, -1087.4641, 28.8512),
                    length = 1.1, 
                    width = 2.1, 
                    height = 1.6,
                    heading = 180
            ['dinner_bench_3a'] = {
                sit = {
                    type = 'chair',
                    seats = {
                        [1] = vector4(317.5026, -1086.2689, 28.8563, 0),
                        [2] = vector4(318.4726, -1086.2689, 28.8577, 0)
                    teleportIn = true,
                    teleportOut = true,
                lay = {
                    type = 'layside_reverse',
                    seats = {
                        [1] = vector4(317.95, -1086.0689, 28.9512, 180),
                    teleportIn = true,
                poly = {
                    center = vector3(317.95, -1086.3689, 28.8),
                    length = 1.0, 
                    width = 2.1, 
                    height = 1.6,
                    heading = 0
            ['dinner_bench_3b'] = {
                sit = {
                    type = 'chair',
                    seats = {
                        [1] = vector4(318.3802, -1083.7976, 28.8498, 180),
                        [2] = vector4(317.5748, -1083.7976, 28.8500, 180)
                    teleportIn = true,
                    teleportOut = true,
                lay = {
                    type = 'layside_reverse',
                    seats = {
                        [1] = vector4(317.95, -1083.7976, 28.9512, 180),
                    teleportIn = true,
                poly = {
                    center = vector3(317.95, -1083.6976, 28.8512),
                    length = 1.0, 
                    width = 2.1, 
                    height = 1.6,
                    heading = 180
            ['dinner_bench_4a'] = {
                sit = {
                    type = 'chair',
                    seats = {
                        [1] = vector4(317.5026, -1082.6009, 28.8563, 0),
                        [2] = vector4(318.4726, -1082.6009, 28.8577, 0)
                    teleportIn = true,
                    teleportOut = true,
                lay = {
                    type = 'layside_reverse',
                    seats = {
                        [1] = vector4(317.95, -1082.5009, 28.9512, 180),
                    teleportIn = true,
                poly = {
                    center = vector3(317.95, -1082.7009, 28.8),
                    length = 1.0, 
                    width = 2.1, 
                    height = 1.6,
                    heading = 0
            ['dinner_bench_4b'] = {
                sit = {--317.8719, -1079.8994, 29.8555, 174.6543
                    type = 'chair',
                    seats = {
                        [1] = vector4(318.3802, -1079.8994, 28.8498, 180),
                        [2] = vector4(317.5748, -1079.8994, 28.8500, 180)
                    teleportIn = true,
                    teleportOut = true,
                lay = {
                    type = 'layside_reverse',
                    seats = {
                        [1] = vector4(317.95, -1079.8994, 28.9512, 180),
                    teleportIn = true,
                poly = {
                    center = vector3(317.95, -1079.8994, 28.8512),
                    length = 1.0, 
                    width = 2.1, 
                    height = 1.6,
                    heading = 180

If you notice some mistakes, please let me know :smile: Have fun!
And great script btw.

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Update 1.2.0

This is the first update in a long while! It includes a lot of new props to sit down on as well as a bunch of fixes and improvements. I plan to have more frequent updates moving forward!


  • Added 232 new vanilla props to sit or/and lay on
  • Added polys for the gta submarine mlo
  • Added polys for rtx_club77
  • Added props from Roxwood (The Ambitioneers)
  • Added props from the Nopixel 4.0 MLOs
  • Added config for the ox_target drawSpirte option
  • Added the more options for notifications/drawtext
  • The script will now only print poly zone creations if in debug mode
  • Entity model names will now be displayed instead of the hash when in debug mode
  • Script action events are now net events (to allow them to be fired from the server)
  • Fixed issue where ragdolling while sitting would lead to weird issues
  • Animation offsets for sitting are now relative to the object the player is sitting on (was world coords)
  • The script now prevents people from starting to sit/lay from the inside of a vehicle
  • Refactor a lot of code here and there.
  • Added the following exports: IsSittingOrLaying, DisableSitting, DisableLaying, DisableSittingAndLaying, IsSittingDisabled, IsLayingDisabled, GetSitDisableReasons, GetLayDisableReasons

Thank You for still updating this , love ya :heart:

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Legend for still updating, Best sit script out there :heart:

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Many thanks

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Amazing script! Worth every penny.

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am i able to add my own models to the list ?

well done, very useful

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Yes you can indeed add your own models to the list, I made a small guide here: [Standalone] [Paid] Sit Anywhere - #15 by MadsL

perfect will look into it, do u still give updates?

Yes, I do continuously update the script.