[Standalone] OxMySQL - Lightweight MySQL wrapper

@Linden Is there a way to chage the query config so instead of returning a boolean with BIT and TINYINT it returns their original 0 and 1 numbers?
It’s giving me issues in a couple resources where is trying to compare against a number

i have added my sql base and stuff to the config and server.cfg and still the same error


Your MySQL server is refusing connection on localhost. It’s not a FiveM issue but rather your hosting environment.

So I Used MySQL And It Works Strange Plus IDK Whos IP That Is is home / localhost. 3306 is MySQL’s default port.

What does your mysql connect string look like in your server.cfg(remove your password)?

I Cant Remove Passwords I Use Vibe Games

@Linden do you by any chance know what this means?

It usually appears when a query takes too long, around 350, 450ms

can someone help me I have a problem with this error :

[ script:oxmysql] SCRIPT ERROR in promise (unhandled): Error: Cannot find module ‘node:http’
[ script:oxmysql] Require stack:
[ script:oxmysql] - /home/container/resources//[standalone]/oxmysql/dummy.js and I don’t know

did someone know how to solve the problem

Everytime a person loads into server. All is well but i see these errors on the console . Plz helpppp

Nice release good job guys!


A quality release - have been using this in our server for a long time. Noticeably faster than other outdated alternatives.


could anyone tell me how to remove the bull logo on the top right please

i have a problem, i’ve just restart my server and got this problem SCRIPT ERROR: citizen:/scripting/lua/scheduler.lua:867: No such export execute in resource oxmysql in mostly all the scripts !

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No such export query in resource oxmysql

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Same We Need A bamp

@Vergilsx5M @ABO_YOUSEF refer to this : [v2.0.0] Deprecated exports removed (export "..." does not exist) · Issue #84 · overextended/oxmysql · GitHub

I have a problem in the stores :

if xPlayer.getInventoryItem(warenkorb[i].name).count + this_bought_count <= xPlayer.getInventoryItem(warenkorb[i].name).limit then

U need to install this Oxmysql :slight_smile:

oxmysql.zip (1.4 MB)

And it’s Work


[ script:oxmysql] Error: Unable to establish a connection to the database! [ script:oxmysql] [Error: Access denied for user ‘xxxx;xxxxxxx’@‘xxxxx.xxx.xxx’ (using password: NO)]

i put the x for security reasons but the user and password and ip is correct

and still showing me a denied access :'c

replace with server.cfg :

set mysql_connection_string "server=;database=yourdataname;userid=root;"

  • Do not forget the data name :slight_smile: