[NO LONGER SUPPORTED][Standalone] NeroHiro’s Scenes v2 - Now for RedM & FiveM

Is anyone really surprised I’m re-releasing this as well?

I got inspired to make a similar scenes system to what np has, I believe every roleplay server should have a system like this as it’s a powerful tool for roleplay. It’s very resource friendly and simple to use.

By default It relies on my other resource to use or you can convert it to be compatible with your own keyboard resource


If you need instructions on installation/use just read the Readme on the github!


(by standalone I mean it should work on any framework, I don’t know how else to put it lol)


Good on you :slight_smile: thanks for sharing a great and FREE resource.

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If I charged people for my code I probably wouldn’t want to do it, id rather give back as this community taught me how to code in the first place.


I think what you make is to good of quality to be a paid resource here, most of the paid releases are garbage lol.

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i am cunfused. I get the purple ball, but pressing mouse button or defined key for place does nothing. pressing the defined key for place seems to toggle purple ball.

nh-keyboard is running

Edit: Okay, I needed to rename resources to nh-keyboard and nh-scenes (without version number)

but now, when i press “place” 2nd time, just a mousepointer appears, no input window opens and UI is blocked. No errors in consoles.

cool resource

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keep up the good work bro

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Love it, thank you so much to share

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Love it, thanks man!

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Name the resource nh-scenes not nh-scene, if the keyboard isn’t popping up right then u either misspelled keyboard or something else is a factor

awesome release! and i love the fact that is free! thank you!

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is it possible to do more than one line of text in a single message? or is that possible to add down the road?

It would break the rectangle. I think u can with basic formatting tho like /n maybe never tried it.

Edit: well not break just would go outside of the rectangle. If that dont bother u then yeah…

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Is It Possible For Scenes To Stay Even After Server Restarts ?

yeah you just gotta code either a database table that is utilized or you could store them in a text file and load them/edit them on the fly. I have no intention of making them consistent in the main repo though, they weren’t meant to be consistent.

how much would you charge me to do that ? i dont have the knowledge to do that sorry lol

That was a keysensitive error for me…

In nh-keyboard => fxmanifest.lua:

ui_page "./UI/index.html"



ui_page "./ui/index.html"


Changing “UI” to lowercase has fixed the problem for me. :grinning:

Please read my license before you release edits like this

Just submit a pull request if it’s something I want I’ll accept it

Ok bro i deleted it wont post anything on your script, wont pull anything i was just helping others…